Reasoning Bitbanks: Model Questions for Bank Exams

Reasoning question banks for Bank Exams like SBI, IBPS PO, Clerk exams.

Model Questions
Directions (Q.No.1-6): Study the given information carefully to ans­wer the given questions.

Seven people - A, B, C, D, E, F and G - are sitting in a straight line with equal distance between each other, but not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing north and some are facing south.
Only two people are sitting to the left of G. Only two people sit between G and B. A sits second to the left of B. The immediate neighbors of A face opposite directions (ie if one of the neighbors faces south then the other faces north and vice versa). Only one person sits between A and C. F sits third to the left of C. D is not an immediate neighbor of B. Both the immediate neighbors of C face the same direction (i.e. if one neigh­bor faces south then the other neigh­bour also faces south and if one nei­gh­bor faces north than the other neighbor also faces north). A faces the same direction as C. E faces nor­th. B sits on the immediate left of E.
1.    Who among the following sits exactly between G and the one who is sitting on the immediate left of B?
    1) A    2) C
    3) Other than those given as options
    4) E    5) F
2.    Who among the following sits exactly in the middle of the line?
    1) D    2) A    3) F
    4) E    5) C
3.    Which of the following state­ments is TRUE as per the given information?
    1) D faces south
    2) G sits third to the left of B.
    3) None of the given options are true
    4) D sits exactly between C and A
    5) F sits in the immediate right of A
4.    Which of the following pairs represents the people sitting at the two extreme ends of the line?
    1) BC    
    2) Other than those given as options
    3) EF    4) DB    5) DE
5.    Who among the following sits second to the right of D?
    1) F    2) G    3) B
    4) Other than those given as options
    5) A
6.    Which of the following pairs repre-sents the immediate neigh­bors of B?
    1) EF    2) BA    3) AC
    4) EG    5) GF

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Directions (Q.No.7-12): Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Seven Personality Development Sessions are conducted in seven different cities of India - Chennai, Bangalore, Nagpur, Mumbai, Delhi, Bhopal and Hyderabad - not nece­ssarily in the same order during the first seven months of the year (starting in January and ending in July). Each program was held only in one city during a month. There are exactly four programs held in four cities between the Hyderabad program and the Nagpur program. The Hyderabad program was not held in June. Only one program was held between the Hyderabad program and the Chennai program. The Mumbai program was held immediately after the Hyderabad program. The Delhi program was held immediately before the Bhopal program. The Bhopal program was not held in May.
7.    How many programs were held between the Mumbai program and the Delhi program?
    1) One    2) Two     3) Three
    4) None    5) More than three
8.    Which of the following stateme­nts is true according to the given sequence?
    1) Mumbai program was held in July
    2) Delhi program was held in April
    3) Nagpur program was held before May
    4) Hyderabad program was held in January
    5) None is true
9.    Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given sequence and hence form a group.  Which does not belong to the group?
    1) January - Hyderabad
    2) March - Chennai
    3) June - Nagpur    
    4) May - Bhopal
    5) February - Chennai
10.    During March, the program was held in which of the following cities?
    1) Chennai        2) Hyderabad
    3) Mumbai        4) Nagpur
    5) None of these
11.    The program in Bangalore was held in which of the following months?
    1) July         2) May 
    3) February        4) March 
    5) January
12.    How many programs were held between the Bangalore program and the Nagpur program?
    1) Four     2) Two     3) Three
    4) Five     5) One

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Direction (Q.No.13-18): Study the following arrangement of sym­bols, letters and numbers to answer the questions given below it.
    = b 1 H F 2 * K S 7 5 # $ P V 8 @ U E 6  Q G © 9 3 & T Y £ B % R J + L M ÷ D A D 4 ¹ d J
13.    How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement which is immediately followed by a number and immediately preceded by a letter?
    1) One    2) Two    3) Three
    4) Four    5) Five
14.    Which of the following is exactly in the middle of the thirteenth form the left end and the fifteenth from the right end in the above arrangement?
    1) P    2)     3) G
    4) Q    5) None of these
15.    How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is either imme­diately followed by a number or immediately preceded by a letter?
    1) Seven    2) Eight    3) Nine
    4) Four    5) Five
16.    Four of the following five are similar in relation to their posi­tions in the above sequence and hence form group. Which one does not belong to that group?
    1) H7@    2) *$6    3) 78©
    4) $E3    5) Y+4
17.    Which of the following indicates the total number of symbols, lett­ers and numbers respectively wh­ich get eliminated from the seq­uence when every second ele­ment of the sequence from your left is dropped from the sequence?
    1) 7, 8, 6        2) 6, 9, 7
    3) 7, 9, 6        4) 5, 9, 8
    5) None of these
18.    Which of the following will be the twelfth to the left of the eighteenth letter/number/symbol from the left end?
    1) F    2) 2    3) *
    4) K    5) None of these

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Directions (Q.No. 19- 23)Read the following questions carefully and choose the appro­priate answer.
19.    If it is possible to make a meaningful word with the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th letters of the word SIMULTANEOUS, which of the following will be first letter of that word? If only one such word can be formed, give 'D' as the answer. If only two such words can be formed, give 'P' as the answer. If three or more than three such words can be formed, give 'Z' as the answer, and if no such word can be formed, give 'X' as the answer.
    1) D    2) X    3) P
    4) Z    5) None of these
20.    Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
    1) Dolphin        2) Whale    
    3) Bat        4) Tiger    5) Lizard
21.    If A and B interchange their places, C and D interchange their places, E and F interchange their places and so on, which letter will be in midway between the 20th letter from the left and the 12th letter from the left?
    1) L    2) M    3) N
    4) O    5) None of these
22.    If the letters in the word OBVIATE are rearranged as they appear in the English alphabet, the position of how many letters will remain unchanged after the rearrangement?
    1) None    2) One    3) Two
    4) Three    5) More than One
23.    If the letters of the word POWERFUL which are at the even numbered position in the English alphabet are picked on and arranged in alphabetical order from left and if they are now substituted by Z, Y, X and so on, beginning from left, which letter will get substituted by X?
    1) No letter will get substituted by X
    2) L    3) P    4) R
    5) None of these

Key with Solutions

(1 - 6):
    1) 1;    2) 2;    3) 2;
    4) 5;    5) 2;    6) 1;
(7 - 12):

Month  City
January Bangalore
February Hyderabad
March Mumbai
April Chennai
May Delhi
June Bhopal
July Nagpur

    7) 1;     8) 5;    9) 5;    10) 3;     11) 5;    12) 4;
(13-18 ):
    13) 2; G©9,  AD4    14) 4; (Q)    
    15) 3; 
    Symbols followed by Number:
    b1, ©9, D4
    Symbols preceded by Letter:
    G©, Y£, B%, J+, M÷, AD
    16) 3; 
    Five elements are skipped bet­ween the first and the second element in the forward dire­ction, and six elements are skip­ped between the second element and the third element in the forward direction. Third option is not matching.

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17) 3;
    Following are the symbols, letters and numbers eliminated.
    b, #, ©, £, %, ÷, d ...... (7)
    H, K, P, U, Q, T, J, L, A ...... (9)
    2, 7, 8, 6, 3, 4 ......(6)
18) 2;
    18th element from the left end is 'U'
    12th element to the left of U is '2'
    Quicker method:
    18 - 12 = 6th from the left end which is '2'
19) 4; 
20) 5;
    All the remaining are mammals whereas lizard is a reptile.
21) 4;
    Odd number position letter interchanges with the next even numbered position letter. Hence, 19th positioned letter 'S' inter­changes with the 20th positi­oned letter 'T'.
    And 11th positioned letter 'K' interchanges with the 12th posi­tioned letter 'L'.    BADCFEHGJILKNMPORQTSVUXWZY
    SO, middle letter between K and S is 'O'
22) 4;
    O    B    V    I    A    T    E
    A    B    E    I    O    T    V
    There are three letters - B, I and T which remain unchanged after the rearrangement.
23) 3; 
    The value of each letter is given in the bracket.
    P(16)    O(15)    W(23)    E(5)    R(18)    F(6)    U(21)    L(12)
    Even numbered position letters in the alphabetical order as follows:
    F(6)    L(12)    P(16)    R(18)
    F is substituted by Z, L is substituted by Y, P is substituted by X.
