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Comprehensive Guide to Vitamins: Sources, Deficiency Diseases, and Symptoms Explained

Vitamins play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. A deficiency in essential vitamins can lead to various health problems, ranging from anaemia to night blindness. Understanding the key sources of vitamins, their deficiency diseases, and associated symptoms can help you adopt a balanced diet and prevent potential health issues.
A list of vitamin-rich foods for a healthy diet  Vitamins Table: Sources, Deficiency Diseases, and Symptoms Explained

Vitamins Table: Resources, Deficiency Diseases and Symptoms

This table provides a detailed overview of important vitamins like Vitamin A, B-complex, C, D, E, and K, along with their food sources, deficiency disorders, and symptoms to help you stay informed and healthy.

Vitamin Resources Deficiency Diseases Symptoms
Thiamin (B1) Cereals, oil seeds, vegetables, milk, meat, fish, eggs. Beriberi Vomiting, fits, loss of appetite, difficulty in breathing, paralysis.
Riboflavin (B2) Milk, eggs, liver, kidney, green leafy vegetables. Glossitis Mouth cracks at corners, red and sore tongue, photophobia, scaly skin.
Niacin (B3) Kidney, liver, meat, egg, fish, oil seeds. Pellagra Dermatitis, diarrhea, loss of memory, scaly skin.
Pyridoxine (B6) Cereals, oil seeds, vegetables, milk, meat, fish, eggs, liver. Anemia Hyper-irritability, nausea, vomiting, fits.
Cyanocobalamin (B12) Synthesized by bacteria present in the intestine. Pernicious anemia Lean and weak, loss of appetite.
Folic acid Liver, meat, eggs, milk, fruits, cereals, leafy vegetables. Anemia Problems related to mucus in the intestines.
Pantothenic acid Sweet potatoes, groundnuts, vegetables, liver, kidney, egg. Burning feet Walking problems, sprain.
Biotin Pulses, nuts, vegetables, liver, milk, kidney. Nervous disorders Fatigue, mental depression, muscle pains.
Ascorbic acid (C) Green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, sprouts. Scurvy Delay in healing of wounds, fractures in bones.
Retinol (A) Leafy vegetables, carrot, tomato, pumpkin, papaya, mango, meat, fish, egg, liver, milk, cod liver oil, shark liver oil. Eye and skin diseases Night blindness, xerophthalmia, cornea failure, scaly skin.
Calciferol (D) Liver, egg, butter, cod liver oil, shark liver oil, sun rays stimulate the formation of vitamin D from subcutaneous fat. Rickets Improper formation of bones, knock-knees, swollen wrists, delayed dentition, weak bones.
Tocopherol (E) Fruits, vegetables, sprouts, sunflower oil. Fertility-related disorders Sterility in males, abortions in females.
Phylloquinone (K) Green leafy vegetables, milk, meat, egg. Problems related to blood clotting Delay in blood clotting, excessive bleeding.

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Published date : 28 Jan 2025 09:58AM

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