TSPSC Exams 2023 New Dates: Check Revised Exam Calendar Here

TSPSC has released a new schedule for five final examinations. The Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector exam scheduled to be held on April 23 has been postponed to June 28. Also, the agriculture officer exam scheduled to be held on April 25 has been postponed to June 16. The Drug Inspector written exam scheduled to be held on May 7 has been postponed to May 19.
Download TSPSC Group 1 - 2022 Question Paper with Key (held on 16.10.22)
The Ground Water Department has postponed the gazetted category examination to July 18, which was scheduled to be held on April 26 and 27. Also, TSPSC has announced that the Ground Water Department non-gazetted category exam, which was scheduled to be held on May 15 and 16, will be rescheduled to July 20.
The Commission is making arrangements to conduct them on the dates already announced. Along with Group-1 preliminary exam on June 11, other groups and other exams will be held on the already announced dates.
TSPSC Exams 2023 Calendar:
1. Assistant Executive Engineer: May 8, May 9 and May 21. Check online tests here.
2. Agriculture Officer : May 16.
3. Drug Inspector : May 19.
4. Group-1 Preliminary Examination : June 11, 2023. Check Group-1 Previous Papers Here.
5. Group-2 Examination : August 29 and 30. Group-2 application process in Telangana ended on February 16 at 5 pm. The Public Service Commission has released a statement that a total of 5,51,943 applications have been received. Check Group-2 Previous Papers here.
6. Group-4 Examination: Group-4 exam will be conducted in offline mode. It received around 10 lakh applications. This exam will be conducted on 1st July. Check Group-4 Bitbank here.
7. Horticulture Officer Jobs : June 17.
8. Ground Water Department : Examination for non-gazetted posts in Ground Water Board will be conducted on 21st July. TSPSC will conduct the examination for gazetted jobs on July 18 and 19.
9. Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Posts : June 26.
10. Government Polytechnic College Lecturers: May 13
11. Agriculture Officer: May 16
12. Physical Director and Librarian Posts: May 17
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