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New GMAT Practice Exams from GMAC

Test takers preparing for the GMAT exam with the popular GMATPrep software can now purchase two additional computer adaptive practice exams made up of retired GMAT questions. The Graduate Management Admission Council, the non-profit council of business schools that administers the GMAT exam for graduate business and management programs worldwide, released the Exam Pack 1 to help students get the benefits of additional practice.

For years, GMAC has offered to all test takers two full-length, computer adaptive GMAT exams that simulate the exam experience as part of free GMATPrep software.

The two unique, additional exams give test takers even more opportunities to practice using the same computer adaptive algorithm as used in the Quantitative and Verbal sections of the real test. Like the original free GMATPrep tests, the Exam Pack 1 tests also provide real-time scoring for the Quantitative, Verbal, and Integrated Reasoning sections, as well as essay prompts for the Analytical Writing Assessment. Questions used in Exam Pack 1 are not found in any otherGMAT preparation product.

Exam Pack 1 can be purchased and downloaded from the for US39.99andrequiresthatusershavealreadyinstalledthefreeGMATPrepsoftware.LiketherealGMATexam,eachExamPacktestcomprisesone30minuteAnalyticalWritingAssessmentprompt,12IntegratedReasoningquestions,37Quantitativequestions,and41Verbalquestions.UserstakingeachofthetwoExamPacktestsmorethanoncemayseethesamequestionsrepeated.ExamPack1isanewadditiontotheGMATPrepsuiteoftestpreparationproducts.ThefreeGMATPrepsoftwareitself,compatiblewithWindowsandMacintoshproducts,featurestwofulllengthexamswithaccuratescoring,90practicequestionsandanswerexplanations,aswellasamathtutorial.ThepopularQuestionPack1,availableforUS29.99, features an additional 404 questions and answer explanations (200 Quantitative, 180 Verbal and 24 Integrated Reasoning), as well as reporting tools that allow test takers to review their progress. Both Question Pack 1 and Exam Pack 1 are used exclusively in the GMATPrep software and extend the use of the software.

Source: Graduate Management Admission Council
Published date : 21 Sep 2013 04:04PM

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