ETS- TOEFL in India: Help Line and important Information
Sakshi Education
ETS - TOEFL is Very Active in India!
- ETS introduced a TOEFL India Call Centre Number 000-800-100-3780. Students can call 9 am-5 pm. An Indian representative answers and responds to queries, thus making students feel comfortable.
- Students can also Email queries to
- The TOEFL India Scholarship was successfully launched last year. 7 scholarships were given worth 50,000(3for 10,000 and 3 for 5,000).Thisyeartoo,theTOEFLScholarshipProgramhasjustclosedwith9awards(3for 10,000 and 6 for 5,000)worth 60,000 in total. TOEFL Scholarship Press Brief was held in Mumbai on July 07
- ETS is conducting the TOEFL Propell Teachers Training Workshops in four cities for the second year in a row. An ETS expert travels to India to conduct these. She is responsible for creating and assessing (a section of) the Test, therefore she can impart vital information to counselors, who in turn, can help students better. This year’s cities are Mumbai, Bangalore, Visakhapatnam and New Delhi. Last year the workshops were conducted in Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai and New Delhi
- Students can purchase Vouchers for TOEFL and pay in INR over the counter at various designated Centers across India. This was introduced because Online payment in USD proved problematic for many students.
- ETS connects with students 1:1 via the FB Page TOEFLGoAnywhere/India. Regular updates are posted and queries are responded to by ETS representative on a daily basis
- A special website detailing every update aiming to assist students all over the world, was introduced a while ago: The TOEFL Go Anywhere website:
- ETS has conducted several Counselor workshops and student road shows in the past three years to initiate conversations with the target audience.
- ETS participates in regular Live Chats to communicate with students
- Poster and leaflet campaigns have been conducted to spread the word on TOEFL.
- 6 -minute “Welcome to the TOEFL iBT™ Testing Site” video to help students with the test procedure
- Important Information:
- The TOEFL Test is 45 years old and is the most credible Test of English
- The TOEFL Test has recently been accepted by Australia for student visas
- The TOEFL Test has also been approved by the UK Border agency
- Over 8000 universities accept TOEFL worldwide
- ETS has introduced The TOEFL Journey program to help students on their journey abroad for further studies
- 25 million test takers have taken the test since its inception
Published date : 11 Aug 2011 06:18PM