The College-Level Examination Program CLEP: Accepted by 2,900 colleges worldwide to achieve your college and career goals

Developed by the College Board the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) has been the most widely trusted credit-by-examination program for over 40 years, accepted by 2,900 colleges and universities and administered in over 1,700 test centers.
CLEP offers 33 exams in five subject areas, covering material taught in courses that you may generally take in your first two years of college. Most CLEP exams are designed to correspond to one-semester courses, although some correspond to full-year or two-year courses.
Exams are approximately 90 minutes long, with the exception of College Composition, which is 120 minutes. Exams contain mainly multiple-choice questions. College Composition and a few other exams contain other types of questions and essays.
CLEP exams are available in the following segments:
• History & Social Sciences
• Composition & Literature
• Science & Mathematics
• Business
• World Languages
To search for college that accepts CLEP score: Click here
Test Preparation:
Study Tips
To get ready for a CLEP exam:
• Check with your college bookstore to find out which books and materials are used for the related course.
• Review the appropriate exam description and related resources.
• Answer sample questions for the CLEP exam you plan to take.
• Take a look at suggested study resources.
Multiple-Choice Tips
Read the entire question, and all the answer choices, before answering a question. Instructions usually tell you to select the best answer. Sometimes one answer choice is partially correct, but another option is better. Read all the answers before you choose one, even if the first or second answer choice looks good to you.
Don't spend too much time on any one question. If you don't know the answer after you've considered it briefly, go on to the next question. Mark that question, using the mark tool at the bottom of the screen, and go back to review it later.
Essay Tips
There are five CLEP exams with essay sections:
• American Literature
• Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
• College Composition
• College Composition Modular
• English Literature
Check before you take an exam to determine if an essay is required for college credit. If your college requires the essay portion, you may want to do some additional preparation.
Estimate how much time you can give to each question. Once you know which questions you plan to answer and in what order, determine how much testing time remains and estimate how many minutes you have to spend on each question.
CLEP Study Materials
The CLEP Official Study Guide is the only official CLEP guide created by the test developers. It offers you:
• Official practice questions for all 33 CLEP exams, published by the College Board
• Helpful guides to earning college credit, evaluating a college's CLEP policy, and applying for credit
• Valuable suggestions for preparation, including methods of self-assessment and strategies for answering exam questions
For study materials : Click here
To Register for a CLEP Exam
Step 1: Select and contact a CLEP test center near you.
CLEP exams are administered at more than 1,700 test centers located on college campuses across the United States and around the world. Find a CLEP test center, and then contact the center directly to find out their registration procedure. Be sure to ask about service fees, parking and transportation options.
Step 2: Complete a Registration Form, and mail it with your payment to the test center.
Test fees must be paid by credit card, check or money order, made payable to "College-Level Examination Program."
Exam fees:
Each examination is $80. Other fees may apply. Many colleges charge a nonrefundable administration fee that should be sent to the test center directly. Contact your test center to determine its fee and payment policy.
Step 3: Request special accommodations, if applicable.
If you have a learning or physical disability that would prevent you from taking a CLEP exam under standard conditions, you may request special accommodations. Arrange to take the exam on either a regularly scheduled test date or at a specially scheduled administration.
To find a test centre : Click here
How the CLEP Exams are scored:
Multiple-choice tests are scored by a computer
Essays written for the College Composition exam are graded by two or more college English professors from two- and four-year institutions, who are carefully selected and trained by the College Board. That essay grade is combined with the multiple-choice score, and the result is reported as a scaled score.
Computing Scores
On CLEP tests, you receive one point for each correct answer. Points aren't deducted for wrong or skipped answers. This means that you should do your best to supply an answer for each question on a CLEP exam.
What Your Score Means
Your score report shows the total scaled score for each exam you took. Total scaled scores fall between 20 and 80.
Receiving Your Scores
Normally, you'll receive your score report instantly — with the exception of the College Composition with Essay, which takes three to four weeks to deliver.
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