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-An Article By Shachi Maheshwari.
Time and now people ask this question to me…
Why am I not able to Perform?
Why am I not able to Adapt?
Why am I not able to Learn from my mistakes?
If you are also stuck with these questions, this is surely for you to understand and reflect on yourself.

Every individual is a unique capability quotient in this world. He has been made with an intention to make a particular task happen in this world. Unless we believe in this universal fact, we will never be able to follow one thing that any two people need not perform a same action equally good. Not just because they are meant to perform different actions in different ways and thereby enable a combined action of two different things, just perfectly. For instance, in spite of being a lawyer, he might be good at using literature and drafting agreements and mapping the dots of the case, instead of arguing the case in the court of law. His degree does not decide what he will be good at. His degree does not decide what functions he will be performing better than others. As in, the education definitely adds value to the performance but our upbringing and personal skills help us to be what we can function better in.

We are a combination of lot of unique things which happened with us, so direct comparison of two individuals is a wasteful proposition. Actually speaking, a comparison itself between two individuals is a wasteful exercise. If we want to perform better in life, we must harp on our own skills and functionalities. Most of the times either people want to learn seeing others or want to become like others.

So, then what should be our direction of thought?

The aim should be-
  • To see our acumen
  • To find different ways to sharpen our skills
  • To add value to change our approach to our work
  • To work on our attitudinal mindset
  • To adapt to certain new drawings which are unique to self
  • To keep learning from mistakes not just by catching them but correcting them and helping them not to reoccur
Having said all this, the most vital element in performance is a person’s resistance to changing his approach to what he has been doing.
  • ONE is about knowing what we are good at,
  • SECOND is about the possibility of what needs to be improved then,
  • THIRD is in which different ways the same can be improved or corrected.

Every time it is just the resistance which stops us from making any change in mind, making change in the way we function and making a change in the way we approach to different arenas. The biggest change is “Changing your mind”.

You must ask – Are you resisting your performance by resisting to make a change? Once a person stops resisting the change, he would fall in place for any other performance criteria. Change becomes easy when the willingness to change becomes easy; and willingness is the key to any change in your performance.

Find the key to every performance by just making a small change in your mind-

“I am willing to change for whatever it takes to change my performance.”

Author: Shachi Maheshwari
You may reach the author at
Get connected to her thought Page on fb: Make Urself Happy
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Published date : 18 Dec 2018 03:15PM

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