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-An Article By Shachi Maheshwari
Sometime back there was an experience in life which changed my perspective to view a lot of things. The way we see life can be called as the selfish way. When we aspire to grow and earn more money we want more and more as a positive intention of others to let it flow to us. But when we are in the queue to give that same satisfaction to others we often think differently.

It was a bright sunny day when a friend wanted to speak to me and we agreed to meet on coffee and chat about it. When we met the person seemed to be puzzled at something and it seemed he was not able to decide on a certain thing in life. I insisted to share and see if I could be of any help to the situation and bring some new inputs which might help him decide.

Is increment necessary for high paying employee?
He had an employee in his company who stood to be due for his increment for the work in his organization. The employee was very dependable and used to handle a lot on his own. No supervision was required once the work was given to the employee and he did it with all the zeal and enthusiasm. His salary was already high when compared to the market benchmark. My friend thought that he was already paying him good and why should there be an increment at all for him. Also, a thought was there in my friend’s mind that there needs to be a cap to his salary otherwise in next ten years he might be a very high salaried employee.

I listened very patiently and carefully to all what he said. There was one thing which I could clearly understand that he was very peaceful due to the fact that the employee used to handle certain things by self ownership even when the owner was not present and so the work would never suffer and due to this there was an effortless functioning which was possible to the organization. Sometimes there is a cost to everything we enjoy. We get a dependable person who works with all his heart and zeal to make our handling easy so it is important to value that seamless performance of things which does not need his presence and still the show goes on at his office.

It is for that extra comfort and support system you enjoy
I told him if you go to a mall or for shopping you pay the price for the infrastructure and comfort that you have rather than a random shop in the market where you have to search what you were looking for. You are ready to pay the extra premium for that extra comfort and support system which keeps the cleanliness and air conditioning of the malls; this is also a kind of luxury that you are enjoying at your office due to that employee and the least you can do is to feel grateful to have such an employee and the only way you can thank the universe is by giving him an increment and make him happy to maintain his motivation to continue working efficiently.

While I was talking to him I saw a convincing smile on his face and his grin got wide as he understood the point I was trying to make. I gave him my peace of mind and came out but there was a sudden change within me to look at some people who were working for my support system like my driver due to whom our living is so effortless. He knows the directions. I can concentrate on my work and other things while he drives for me instead of concentrating on how he is driving because he is a safe driver. He can handle so many jobs for me and my family because he knows all of us and our needs. The colleagues as a team, those help me, to take leaves and breaks and take up my job, while I am away. The cook, who lovingly cooks and makes my functioning more effective and saves my time. The same job can be done at an average perfection but the way it’s done for us which satisfies us makes it ideal for us. This gave me an insight that we sometimes become stingy about certain things and the only way to be grateful to the universe for all these support systems is to pay them irrespective of what the is market doing because it is the effortless living which we are paying for. It’s the trust you can place on them you are paying for and not just the work. It’s the peace that they give us to handle other things.

We hardly mind to pay to that shop at the mall but given a choice we don’t want to give our thank you for all the support systems which make our life so blissful; may it be anybody who works for us or around us to ensure that we are able to concentrate on other important facets of our living.

As a student what are your support systems which are helping you to achieve your targets:
  • A peaceful place to study
  • A place to schedule your and sleep well
  • Teachers to mentor you for the way to schedule your subjects
  • Your Parents to support you financially and emotionally
  • Your friends who help you to rise during the competition
  • Your mind, body and spirit in alignment to your goals
  • Everyone who is coming your way to help you to achieve your targets

“There is bliss in everything we get as a support from this universe. The only way to welcome the bliss is to be grateful to all of them.”

Author: Shachi Maheshwari
You may reach the author at
Get connected to her thought Page on fb: Make Urself Happy
Published date : 08 Aug 2017 05:40PM

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