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Holiday > < Vacation

These two words have more or less the same meaning. But they are used slightly differently among  Americans and Britishers. Americans use ' vacation' more. But both Americans and Britishers have holidays on festival days NOT vacation.

 Eg. Dasara holidays, Christmas holidays, Sankranti holidays. BUT summer vacation. Holidays are occasion to celebrate, often for religious reasons.

       You can go on a vacation to Mauritius during the summer. (Not holiday). Our university will always have vacation during December; you had better contact us after that. (not holidays)
 I have worked very hard for three months. I need to take a vacation. (break).The Telangana government declared holidays for two days for Christmas.Due to the extended summer vacation for schools, the government has slashed Sankranti holidays.
 (Holidays are for shorter perod. Vacation is for longer period)
Published date : 09 Jan 2020 04:56PM

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