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Nouns - Genders

  • Living things are either of male or female sex.
  • A noun that denotes a male is said to be Masculine Gender.
  • A noun that denotes a female is said to be Feminine Gender.
  • A noun that denotes either a female or a male is said to be Common Gender.
  • A noun that denotes a thing that is neither a female nor a male is said to be Neuter Gender.
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Bachelor Spinster Hart Roe
Boy Girl Buck Doe
Father Mother Bull (Ox) Cow
Son Daughter Horse Mare
Brother Sister Bullock Heifer
Husband Wife Colt Filly
Man Woman Stag Hind
Papa Mamma Dog Bitch
Daddy Mummy Ram Ewe
Uncle Aunt Cock Hen
Nephew Niece Drake Duck
King Queen Drone Bee
Lord Lady Gander Goose
Monk Nun Fox Vixen
Sir Madam Wizard Witch
Gentleman Lady
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Author Authoress Mayor Mayoress
Baron Baroness Patron Patroness
Count Countess Peer Peeress
Giant Giantess Poet Poetess
Heir Heiress Priest Priestess
Host Hostess Prophet Prophetess
Jew Jewess Shepherd Shepherdess
Lion Lioness Steward Stewardess
Manager Manageress Viscount Viscountess
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Actor Actress Preceptor Preceptress
Benefactor Benefactress Prince Princess
Conductor Conductress Songster Songstress
Enchanter Enchantress Hunter Huntress
Tiger Tigress Instructor Instructress
Traitor Traitress Negro Negress
Waiter Waitress Master Mistress
Duke Duchess Murderer Murderess
Emperor Empress Sorcerer Sorceress
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Czar Czarina Hero Heroine
Signor Signora Sultan Sultana
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Grandfather Grandmother Manservant Maidservant
Landlord Landlady Milkman Milkwoman
Salesman Saleswoman Washerman Washerwoman
Published date : 12 Oct 2010 04:14PM

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