The remedy suggested to reduce the evil is..

The aspirants who are looking forward for banking jobs have great opportunities in store for them as the Regional rural banks have extended the opportunities in the banking sector for the youth. The aspirants who are preparing for the bank exams will have no difficulty in taking this exam, but the thing that one has to remember is that he/she is not the only aspirant who takes this test. As large number of aspirants will take the test the preparation should be done based on this competitiveness. Rigorous practice and hard work is needed to be selected for the job. Focus and dedication are the key factors to succeed in this exam. Consistent efforts in solving sample papers of previous years will help the aspirants to prepare for the exam in a better way. Proper planning by allotting fixed time for preparing on each section that will be given in the exam is mandatory. When you take a look at any competitive exam English is an integral part of the exam and it is also a deciding factor in many cases. Preparation should be done on a regular basis by inculcating the habit of regular general reading. It is essential to brush up one's skills in basics in the language. Certain areas which are of prime significance should be thoroughly studied so that scores are improved. English language section mostly includes questions on the topics of:
- Grammar
- Vocabulary
- Sentence completion
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Comprehension of a passage
- Spotting the Errors
- Filling in the blanks
- Use of prepositions, idioms/phrases
- Test of spellings
- Re-arranging jumbled up sentences
- Cloze Test
- One word substitution, etc.
Preparation Tips for English in RRB Exam:
- The aspirants have to brush up their skills on English Grammar.
- Pay attention to the grammatical mistakes as they can change the meaning of the sentence.
- Practice and work hard by reading books, magazines on current affairs and events.
- Make a habit of reading English newspaper on a regular basis which helps in improving comprehension skills and better understanding of the language.
- The aspirants must be attentive of the time factor and plan out answering each section within a targeted time. Aspirants having strong vocabulary may easily solve this section.
- The other important part in English is comprehension which helps to score well.
- Time management is crucial as the aspirants are advised to distribute time to each section in such a way that more time should be allotted to the section or part in which one feels weak.
- Try to practice more from the previous year papers or mock test papers and Sample papers that are easily available in market and try to solve them in the given time period. These practices will improve the performance in the examination.
Practice test
Directions(Q 1 to 10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Differences between nations, so long as they do not lead to hostility are by no means to be deplored. Living for a time in a foreign country makes us aware of the merits in which our own country is deficient, and this is true whichever country our own may be. The same thing holds of differences between different regions within one country, and of the differing types produced by different professions. Uniformity of character and uniformity of culture are to be regretted ….. In the modern world, there is a real danger of too great similarly between one region and another in cultural respects. One of the best ways of minimizing this evil is an increase in the autonomy of different groups.
- The author says that differences between nations should be
1) Encouraged
2) tolerated
3) questioned
4) suppressed
5) intimidated - According to the passage, living abroad for a time
1) Makes us think of the merits of our own country
2) Leads us to forget the negative aspects of our motherland.
3) Makes us wonder if any other country is better than ours
4) Helps us to realize the drawbacks of our country
5) Leads to positive aspects - The regional differences within a country
1) Further the spirit of rivalry
2) promote better mutual understanding
3) Promotes fighting spirit
4) threaten national unity
5) control the fight for power - The author argues that uniformity of culture and character among individuals and groups is
1) Harmful and undesirable
2) unfortunate but unavoidable
3) Practical and desirable
4) idealistic but impractical
5) useful and unifying - The real threat in the modern world is
1) Cultural uniformity
2) disintegration
3) autonomy
4) hostility
5) dissimilarity - The remedy suggested to reduce the evil is
1) Dependence of a group
2) independence of regions
3) sovereignty of different groups
4) threat of unity
5) hostility
Directions (Q. 07-08): Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage. - DEFICIENT
1) Proficient
2) scarce
3) plenty
4) abundant
5) adept - HOSTILITY
1) Resentment
2) willingness
3) enthusiasm
4) fervor
5) zeal
Directions(Q. 09-10): Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage. - AUTONOMY
1) Professional
2) dependence
3) sovereignty
4) freedom
5) liberty - DEPLORED
1) Criticize
2) condemn
3) plenty
4) approve
5) lament
Directions(Q 11 to 20): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatica l error or idiomatic error in it. The error if any will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part will be the answer. If there is no error, mark (5) as your answer. (Ignore punctuation errors if any.) - I don't think (1)/ that your friend (2) / has any illusions (3) / about his scholarship. (4) / No error (5)
- Hardly had he been released (1) / from jail than (2) / he was implicated (3) / in another case. (4) / No error (5)
- It is high time (1) / you make up your mind (2) / about your (3) / choosing a career. (4) / No error (5)
- Of three thousand or more languages1) / in the world the vast majority2) / are spoken by tiny groups of people3) / scattered in remote places.4) / No error5)
- I now1) / realize that it is none2) / other than I who is to blame3) / for yesterday's incident.4) / No error5)
- I am sure, she could1) / easily have secured the first rank,2) / if she would have devoted3) / a little more time for her studies.4) / No error5)
- I find it impossible1) / to hold up2) / any longer and I must3) / therefore resign my post.4) / No error5)
- She has forgotten1) / how old was she2) / when she came3) / to live here.4) / No error5)
- My friend1) / and myself2) / study together3) / during holidays.4) / No error5)
- The rice from1) / Dehradun is2) / more superior3) / to that of Saharanpur.4) / No error5)
Directions(Q. 21-25): Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words from the five options for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. - If you keep money ___ the saving bank, interest ___.
1) On… credit
2) up… debit
3) upon… balance
4) in… accrues
5) into... multiply - He ___ his whole life caught up ___ mundane matters.
1) Spend… to
2) spends… for
3) spent… in
4) spending… into
5) spend…on - Pakistan ___ vigorously pursuing a ___ nuclear weapons programme,
1) be… clear
2) has been … clandestine
3) was… open
4) is … vision
5) had… open - Scientists carry ___ empirical ___.
1) out… methods
2) in… methods
3) on… method
4) up… method
5) upon… method - I am not wealthy, ___ I cannot afford to buy ___ expensive car.
1) also… the
2) as… a
3) that.. an
4) so… an
5) but… an
Directions(Q. 26-30): Rearrange the following six sentences(A) ,(B) ,(C) ,(D) ,(E) and(F) in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
(A) He, therefore, decided to spend the night there.
(B) He could not leave the cart with its load.
(C) Then he slowly disengaged the dead bullock from the cart.
(D) Shawn did not know what to do.
(E) Nor did he dare to walk the distance home along with so much cash about him.
(F) He looked round for help but none was forth coming. - What is the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) D
4) F
5) C - What is the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
1) E
2) A
3) B
4) C
5) D - What is the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E - What is the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) E
2) B
3) A
4) F
5) C - What is the SIXTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) D
4) F
5) C
1) 2; 2) 4; 3) 2; 4) 1; 5) 1;
6) 3; 7) 2; 8) 1; 9) 2; 10) 4;
11) 3; 12) 2; 13) 2; 14) 5; 15) 3;
16) 3; 17) 2; 18) 1; 19) 5; 20) 3;
21) 4; 22) 3; 23) 2; 24) 1; 25) 4;
26) 4; 27) 4; 28) 2; 29) 1; 30) 1.