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Government identifies 18 major platforms for industry led design, development in defence sector

Government identifies 18 major platforms for industry led design, development in defence sector
Government identifies 18 major platforms for industry led design, development in defence sector
  • Government has identified 18 major platforms for industry led design and development in defence sector under various routes.
  • They include Hypersonic Glide Vehicle, Directed Energy Weapons, Naval Ship Borne Unmanned Aerial System, Light Weight Tank and Plug and Play’ Housing and Infrastructure for soldiers posted at extreme altitudes. Under the Defence Acquisition Procedure 2020, ‘Make’ Category aims to achieve self-reliance by involving greater participation of Indian industries. For Projects under Make-I sub-category, the Ministry of Defence will provide financial support up to 70 per cent of total cost of prototype development.
  • Under Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Model category, two platforms namely Long Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Indian Multi Role Helicopters have been identified. Under this category, private industries will be encouraged to take up design and development of military platforms and equipment in collaboration with the Defence Research and Development Organization and other organizations.
Published date : 12 Mar 2022 05:30PM

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