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Russia decides to suspend participation in New START treaty for nuclear arms control with US

Russia decides to suspend participation in New START treaty for nuclear arms control with US
Russia decides to suspend participation in New START treaty for nuclear arms control with US
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Moscow was suspending its participation in a major arms control agreement with the United States. The New Start treaty is the last remaining nuclear arms deal between Moscow and Washington, and it was extended for five years in 2021. The New START treaty was signed in Prague in 2010 and came into force the following year. It caps the number of strategic nuclear warheads that the United States and Russia can deploy, and limits the use of missiles that can carry atomic weapons.
  • US President Joe Biden will give a speech in Poland after yesterday's high-stakes visit to the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. President Biden will hold talks with Poland President Andrzej Duda at the presidential palace in Warsaw before making the speech.
  • During his visit to Ukraine, which was organised in strict secrecy, President Biden promised Ukraine 500 million dollars in fresh arms and unwavering American support.

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Published date : 22 Feb 2023 05:39PM

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