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Prominent Rohingya leader Mohibullah shot dead in Bangladesh

A prominent Rohingya community leader Mohibullah was shot dead in the refugee camp of Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh on 29-09-2021 evening. He was killed by unknown assailants in his office room in Kutupalong under Ukhia Upazila of Cox’s Bazar last night.
Prominent Rohingya leader Mohibullah shot dead in Bangladesh
Prominent Rohingya leader Mohibullah shot dead in Bangladesh

The 46-year-old Rohingya leader was the Chairman of the Arakan Rohingya Society for Peace & Human Rights (ARSPH) based in Cox’s Bazar. He was a key figure in the Rohingya repatriation process as the representative of over 1 million refugees currently living in camps in the Cox’s Bazar area of Bangladesh. Mohibullah was a prominent voice demanding justice for Rohingyas against the Myanmar military which is being investigated by several international agencies for atrocities against the Rohingyas.
Mohibullah sought the safe and dignified return of Rohingyas to Myanmar. In 2019, he met US President Donald Trump as part of the religious freedom meeting organized by the State Department.

Published date : 01 Oct 2021 05:58PM

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