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Indian diplomat re-elected to serve on UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

Indian diplomat re-elected to serve on UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
  • Senior Indian diplomat, Surendra Adhana, has been re-elected to serve on the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) at the United Nations for the term 2024-26. This re-election underscores his expertise and the confidence placed in him by the international community.
  • Counsellor Surendra Adhana, representing India’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, has been re-elected to the ACABQ by acclamation. This re-election reflects his standing as a seasoned diplomat and his demonstrated capabilities in addressing complex budgetary and administrative matters at the United Nations.
  • The ACABQ is an expert committee comprising 21 members elected by the General Assembly. Members serve in a personal capacity and not as representatives of member states. The committee is elected for a three-year term and is carefully structured to ensure broad geographical representation.
  • The functions and responsibilities of the Advisory Committee, as well as its composition, are governed by the provisions of Assembly resolutions 14 (I) of 13 February 1946 and 32/103 of 14 December 1977 and rules 155 to 157 of the rules of procedure of the Assembly.

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Published date : 06 Nov 2023 04:57PM

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