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India and South Korea hold 5th Foreign Policy and Security Dialogue in Seoul

India and South Korea hold 5th Foreign Policy and Security Dialogue in Seoul
India and South Korea hold 5th Foreign Policy and Security Dialogue in Seoul
  • The 5th Foreign Policy and Security Dialogue between India and South Korea was held in Seoul. During the two-day dialogue which concluded yesterday, both sides agreed to deepen cooperation in areas including trade and investment, security and defense, science and technology, as well as cultural and people-to-people exchanges.
  • India and South Korea have agreed to work to make global supply chains more resilient and robust. They also noted that bilateral trade was at an all-time high of 28 billion US dollars and agreed to take concrete steps to realize the vision of taking it to 50 billion US dollars by 2030.
  • The two sides also discussed opportunities for cooperation in new and emerging technologies.
  • Secretary (East), Ministry of External Affairs, Saurabh Kumar informed the Korean side about the opportunities India offers to Korean companies for investments in manufacturing, infrastructure and other sectors.

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Published date : 18 Jan 2023 05:57PM

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