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Russian film crew in orbit to make first movie in space

A Russian actor and a film director rocketed to space on a mission to make the world’s first movie in orbit, a project the Kremlin said will help the nation’s space glory.
first movie in space
first movie in space

Actor YuliaPeresild and director KlimShipenko blasted off for the International Space Station in a Russian Soyuz spacecraft together with cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov, a veteran of three space missions. Their Soyuz MS-19 lifted off yesterday from the Russian space launch facility in Baikonur, Kazakhstan and arrived at the station after about 3½ hours. The trio reported they were feeling fine and spacecraft systems were functioning normally.

Peresild and Klimenko are to film segments of a new movie titled “Challenge,” in which a surgeon played by Peresild rushes to the space station to save a crew member who needs an urgent operation in orbit. 

After 12 days on the space outpost, they are set to return to Earth with another Russian cosmonaut. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the mission will help showcase Russia’s space prowess.

Before Russia took the lead in feature filmmaking in space, NASA had talked to actor Tom Cruise about making a movie in orbit.

Published date : 06 Oct 2021 05:54PM

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