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Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman named as Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman named as Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman named as Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia
  • In Saudi Arabia, King Salman bin Abdulaziz named his son and heir Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as the Prime Minister of the kingdom.

  • According to a royal decree shown on Tuesday, King Salman also promoted his second son Prince Khalid from deputy Defense Minister to Defense Minister. The 86-year-old king will still preside over the Cabinet meetings he attends. The king, who took power in 2015 has been in failing health and was hospitalized several times in recent years.

  • The prince, Mohammed bin Salman was previously Defense Minister in Saudi Arabia's government.

  • He is also a leading figure in the kingdom's "Vision 2030" plans to transform the country's economy and energy infrastructure.

  • Mr. Salman has also sought to tout social reforms such as allowing women to drive cars under some conditions.

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Published date : 28 Sep 2022 05:58PM

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