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IIT Mandi researchers develop make high efficiency masks from waste plastic bottles

Indian Institute of Technology Mandi researchers claims to have developed a technology for making high-efficiency masks using waste pet bottles. The researchers have filed a patent for the waste plastic bottles derived filter membrane technology based on electrospinning.
Current Affairs


  • The waste plastic bottles were used to develop a single thin layer of the nano-nonwoven membrane. It provides desirable particle filtration efficiency which is equal to the N95 respirator and a medical mask.
  • The waste plastic bottles are dissolved using a combination of solvents and extruded nanofibres from the solution.
  • The masks that are made out of the waste plastic bottles have more breathability than commercially available masks. This ultrafine fibre in the mask will allow less resistance in airflow due to a unique phenomenon called 'slip flow' which improves breathability.
  • It can also be washed and reused up to 30 times.
Published date : 11 Jun 2020 03:20PM

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