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IIT-Mandi develops magnetic RAM to enable higher data storage, faster computation

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mandi, have developed a magnetic Random Access Memory (RAM) which is faster, more energy-efficient and capable of storing more information in a smaller volume than existing data storage technologies.
Current Affairs


  • The Spin-transfer torque (STT) based nanospintronic device is expected to put an end to computer data loss due to interruptions of power supply.
  • It will have the capability to transform next-generation computers, smartphones, and other gadgets.
  • In magnetic RAMs, data are represented as the spin of electrons. It promises better storage capabilities than conventional charge-based RAM.
  • The device uses spintronic technology and utilizes the spin of the electrons to transmit and process information, unlike normal electronic devices that are driven by electron charges.
  • It harnesses the spin of electrons and manipulates the magnetic state leads to what is known as Spin-Transfer Torque-Magnetic Random Access Memory (STT-MRAM).
  • The existing semiconductor RAM cannot meet these massive demands of data storage. Indeed, experts in data science predict that the demand for memory capacity will outpace production by the end of 2020.
Published date : 21 Apr 2020 04:29PM

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