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Soft Skills: Some Components

Most compliments that employees receive are to deal with your ability to listen more than with your actual knowledge about a particular situation.
A list of some components of the cluster of soft skills appears below.
  • Business etiquette
  • Personal appearance and social graces
  • Team spirit
  • Negotiation skills
  • Problem Solving Ability
  • Leadership qualities
  • Cross-cultural communication
  • Report Writing ability
  • Effective listening
To these must be added
  • The ability to sense and respond to what is required in different environments;
  • The ability to learn by watching those around you who are the most successful;
  • The ability to speak, read and write standard English appro-priately in a working enviro-nment;
  • Behavioural traits such as attitude, motivation and time management.
  • These include the ability to arrange one's own tasks for best performance, to learn from experience, to ask questions and correct one's mistakes, to absorb criticism and direction without feeling defeated, resentful or insulted.
Business etiquette:The habitual use of "Please," "Thank you," "Excuse me," and "May I help you?" in dea-ling with customers, supervisors and colleagues is the minimum etiquette.

Business is built on relationships. Missteps in any situation calling for the right etiquette can severely damage one's own reputation and effectiveness. Clearly, mastering or-ganisational etiquette generates valu-able results for oneself and one's organization. Personal appearance and social graces

The ability to choose one's dress, grooming, body language, tone of voice and vocabulary according to the particular culture of the given workplace is a social grace. To begin with, students should learn to dress at least once in a while in a way that they would dress themselves if they took up a job in a corporate office. Dressing smartly reflects your respect for others and also contributes to one's dignity and self-esteem.

Team spirit: The concept of "we" rather than "I" is more relevant in the workplace. The ability to -- share responsibilities, confer with others, honour commitments, help others do their jobs and seek help when needed -- reflects tolerance and breadth of vision, and helps the quiet, reticent persons in the team to blossom.

Negotiation skills: The skill of negotiating is a very important skill in communication. We need to negotiate with customers, suppliers, employees and trade unions. Some experts believe that "sibling rivalry" - or competitiveness among brothers and sisters- is a good training ground for developing negotiating skills. In families, children learn to negotiate when two people want the same - or different - things.

Problem Solving Ability: The hi-tech industry is extremely fast-paced. Employees are constantly being faced with new challenges, both technical and non-technical. Emp-loyees will need to be able to solve problems quickly and efficiently in order to keep up. Creativity and innovation are often key qualities that employers look for in potential hires.

Leadership qualities: Not every employee is necessarily going to lead a project in the future. However, with the pace of change and staff growth as well as mobility, many companies are turning to employees for assistance in training and mentoring new team members.

Be a good listener to become a good communicator!
Knowing how to listen effe-ctively in a work environment is the key to understanding the tasks assigned to you. You will then be able to carry them out without supervision. Knowing how to listen is as important as being able to articulate what you want to say.

Most compliments that emplo-yees receive are to deal with your ability to listen more than with your actual knowledge about a particular situation. Most customers appreciate a "willingness to help" and the fact that "(s)he listened to my complaint." These qualities are what elevate your organization above the competition.

Published date : 08 Apr 2014 04:49PM

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