Importance of Communication Skills
Sakshi Education

Dr. P.Eliah
Professor in English,
GRIET, Hyderabad
Dr. P.Eliah
Professor in English,
GRIET, Hyderabad
The word ‘Communication’ has been derived from the Latin terms, ‘communis’ and ‘communicare’ which mean ‘to share,’ that is, sharing of information, ideas, speaking, reading and writing skills. If any of them cannot be done properly, there will be a communication gap. In fact, effective communication skills facilitate successful human relationships. In other words, human behaviour and social relationships are the result of the process of communication. Whether we are listening, talking, or thinking, we are engaged in some form of communication. Thus man’s mind is always in a state of communication. As a dynamic process, communication gives meaning and expression to the animal activities of man.
A comprehensive communication package includes the verbal and non-verbal signs, symbols and sounds that accompany the spoken word. Since communication is an integral part of our life and career, inability to communicate effectively and efficiently will affect our private and public interests.
It is obvious that the process of communication involves the coder, the code and the decoder, that is, the sender of the message, followed by the response or feedback of the receiver. In short, all sorts of communication are goal-directed. The term ‘language’ which has come from the Latin word, ‘lingua’ which means the tongue, is an effective means of communication. Of course, one can also communicate through other means, such as, gestures, facial expressions, drawings and pictures, but language is the primary and only effective means of communication in human interaction, that is, interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. It may be noted that communication is a larger canvas which is both verbal and non-verbal but language is only verbal. However, language gives man a unique status in nature as a paragon of species while communication gives him a unique place in the society. Thus communication provides man a distinctive ability by means of language.
Let’s try to identify the uses or purposes of communication through language. These are as follows:
A comprehensive communication package includes the verbal and non-verbal signs, symbols and sounds that accompany the spoken word. Since communication is an integral part of our life and career, inability to communicate effectively and efficiently will affect our private and public interests.
It is obvious that the process of communication involves the coder, the code and the decoder, that is, the sender of the message, followed by the response or feedback of the receiver. In short, all sorts of communication are goal-directed. The term ‘language’ which has come from the Latin word, ‘lingua’ which means the tongue, is an effective means of communication. Of course, one can also communicate through other means, such as, gestures, facial expressions, drawings and pictures, but language is the primary and only effective means of communication in human interaction, that is, interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. It may be noted that communication is a larger canvas which is both verbal and non-verbal but language is only verbal. However, language gives man a unique status in nature as a paragon of species while communication gives him a unique place in the society. Thus communication provides man a distinctive ability by means of language.
Let’s try to identify the uses or purposes of communication through language. These are as follows:
- For Phatic communion, that is, for establishing a relationship of feelings between man and man.
- For establishing a relationship between man and God through rituals, ceremonies and prayers.
- For controlling the environment through requests, orders, commands, advice and recommendation.
- For preserving traditions, customs and conventions through oral and written records by both the primitive and sophisticated societies.
- For disseminating knowledge and information through newspapers, radio and television in the modern age of science and technology.
- For self –expression as in a joyous mood when one is prone to sing songs.
There are different methods or channels of communication, namely downward, upward, horizontal and diagonal. While communication from a higher level to a lower level is downward, communication from a lower level to a higher level is upward. While horizontal communication is the one between equals, diagonal channel follows no hierarchy since the communication flows all round. These channels are specially followed in management and professional organizations.
However, for professionals technical communication is of utmost importance to establish themselves in their respective careers. Technical communication consists of the process of communicating a specific message to a specific audience for a specific purpose. The general and technical communication is different from each other in style, presentation and content.
Technical communication must be on a technical subject. It must have technical jargon. It must be objective and factual. The points must be logically organized. Graphics and other aids must be used. Power point presentation would be more effective than oral presentation. The sentences are simple and direct without being metaphorical. The arguments must be logical and cool. Emotional outbursts have no room in technical presentation. The entire exercise must be methodical.
It’s clear that communication is a two-way process. Both the coder and the decoder must participate in this process so that an effective and meaningful message or communiqué may emerge. To achieve this, one must train oneself in listening, speaking, reading and writing. After all, a good listener will become a good speaker, while a good reader will become a good writer. Care must be taken to eradicate the barriers that hamper the free flow of communication.
Published date : 24 Oct 2011 05:05PM