A Fresher resume must contain at least 3 projects for securing a Job
Sakshi Education
Ramesh Loganathan, Vice President and MD, Progress Software, Hyderabad

Ramesh Loganathan Profile:
Ramesh Loganathan, (VP & Managing Director, Progress Software, Hyderabad)
Ramesh, with over 20 years of Products and R&D leadership experience, is the Center Head at Progress Software’s Hyderabad Labs. Ramesh speaks regularly at various tech workshops/seminars on contemporary technologies in the cloud and integration space. He is active in the industry associations and a member of the managing/executive committees of Nasscom, ITsAP, HeadStart, and TiE. He is also an adjunct faculty member at IIIT, Hyderabad, where he teaches few courses on middleware technologies. He is also a visiting faculty at IIT Hyderabad. Ramesh actively engages with academic incubators at several leading institutions in Hyderabad, and is Chair of TiE Startups.
There is a strong perception that the IT Jobs are disappearing, particularly are freezed in Hyderabad.
I don’t think so. The IT industry in Andhra Pradesh has shown an annual revenue growth of 26%. This kind of growth definitely reflects in job creation, and a 20% increase in headcount is a good movement ahead.
How do you forecast the future of the IT Industry?
The IT industry has to continuously adapt to the new technologies. In the search for effective and quality service, we always need to reach to the client’s expectations. The constant adaptation is the key to the survival and success of the IT industry.
There is not much openings for freshers in the IT field with lots of aspiring engineering graduates remaining jobless for considerable numbers of years? What do you think reason behind this situation?
We have around 750 colleges in our state with 2,50,000 seats. Around 1,50,000 students graduate from these colleges every year. But the jobs created are a mere 30,000-40,000. The students should be well aware of this reality and try to improve their chances of getting job in this competitive arena.
What are the attributes you look for in a fresher?
When I see a stereotype resume with intermediate in Narayana or Chaitanya and engineering with distinction, I feel that resume boring and wont consider that person for the job, trust me they are not getting the job. For any engineer marks are not enough, why is a resume different matter a lot. If the resume presents that I participated in a robotics competition, I participated in a programming and coding event makes one worth considering for a job.
What is case of students coming out of colleges not having adequate placement assistance and finally left jobless?
When you are not coming from the top 50 colleges of the state, you can highlight your resume by doing at least 3 projects including that of final year project. If you buy projects from Ameerpet, you are the ultimate loser.
How can a student choose the projects?
Take some time in the 3rd year summer and final year to build a project. Take a product idea, any object around you, for suppose an electronic clock, the chair you sit, study its dynamics, reproduce them, you may fail to get the result, but trying to do is important. When the interviewer notices your intention in the resume, you are a clear winner.
One should be focused while doing the projects. The three consecutive projects must be done on the same concept or technologies. There is not much use in doing three different projects with not interrelation among them.
What are the resources the student can rely upon while doing the projects?
The Google is a good starting point in finding an idea for the projects. A group of 4-5 people can do the project together. Students may get some help from the teachers, but self-help is a must.
What role does soft skills play during the interview?
That’s not going to get a job, what do I communicate when there is no substance for me.
On Cloud Computing:
Cloud computing happens to be next big opportunity to watch out for in IT Industry? What is it actually mean?
Cloud computing is not a new technology, but is more of a skill in the current and ongoing projects. Take for suppose, you want tally software to be installed in you system, instead of buying the software for a huge sum of money, you can subscribe to the software like a monthly subscription of a magazine. Take another example of a software company working in maintaining a Govt. website, with lots of data to be stored and processed. Instead of using a local server, there is a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data. All these happen through cloud computing.
Instead of buying a machine or software, the virtual machines can be brought on web, and without much programming you can build an application with cloud computing.
A recent study claimed that more than 1 lakh job openings are awaiting in the country in the field of cloud computing? How do you look into it?
As cloud computing is the value addition to the present software, there will be an increased preference of cloud adoption. Cloud computing eliminates capital-intensive investment by companies, which results in a lot of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) emerging and corresponding creation of jobs.
Engineers from which background can opt for a career in cloud computing.
The computer science and electronics students are suitable for cloud computing.
How are the job openings for freshers in the field of cloud computing?
We hardly take 10 freshers for cloud computing, as in product development there is less scope for freshers. We get interns from IIT Hyderabad and IIIT Hyderabad, and recruit M.Tech students of computer science from Osmania University and Hyderabad Central University.
Ramesh Loganathan, (VP & Managing Director, Progress Software, Hyderabad)
Ramesh, with over 20 years of Products and R&D leadership experience, is the Center Head at Progress Software’s Hyderabad Labs. Ramesh speaks regularly at various tech workshops/seminars on contemporary technologies in the cloud and integration space. He is active in the industry associations and a member of the managing/executive committees of Nasscom, ITsAP, HeadStart, and TiE. He is also an adjunct faculty member at IIIT, Hyderabad, where he teaches few courses on middleware technologies. He is also a visiting faculty at IIT Hyderabad. Ramesh actively engages with academic incubators at several leading institutions in Hyderabad, and is Chair of TiE Startups.
There is a strong perception that the IT Jobs are disappearing, particularly are freezed in Hyderabad.
I don’t think so. The IT industry in Andhra Pradesh has shown an annual revenue growth of 26%. This kind of growth definitely reflects in job creation, and a 20% increase in headcount is a good movement ahead.
How do you forecast the future of the IT Industry?
The IT industry has to continuously adapt to the new technologies. In the search for effective and quality service, we always need to reach to the client’s expectations. The constant adaptation is the key to the survival and success of the IT industry.
There is not much openings for freshers in the IT field with lots of aspiring engineering graduates remaining jobless for considerable numbers of years? What do you think reason behind this situation?
We have around 750 colleges in our state with 2,50,000 seats. Around 1,50,000 students graduate from these colleges every year. But the jobs created are a mere 30,000-40,000. The students should be well aware of this reality and try to improve their chances of getting job in this competitive arena.
What are the attributes you look for in a fresher?
When I see a stereotype resume with intermediate in Narayana or Chaitanya and engineering with distinction, I feel that resume boring and wont consider that person for the job, trust me they are not getting the job. For any engineer marks are not enough, why is a resume different matter a lot. If the resume presents that I participated in a robotics competition, I participated in a programming and coding event makes one worth considering for a job.
What is case of students coming out of colleges not having adequate placement assistance and finally left jobless?
When you are not coming from the top 50 colleges of the state, you can highlight your resume by doing at least 3 projects including that of final year project. If you buy projects from Ameerpet, you are the ultimate loser.
How can a student choose the projects?
Take some time in the 3rd year summer and final year to build a project. Take a product idea, any object around you, for suppose an electronic clock, the chair you sit, study its dynamics, reproduce them, you may fail to get the result, but trying to do is important. When the interviewer notices your intention in the resume, you are a clear winner.
One should be focused while doing the projects. The three consecutive projects must be done on the same concept or technologies. There is not much use in doing three different projects with not interrelation among them.
What are the resources the student can rely upon while doing the projects?
The Google is a good starting point in finding an idea for the projects. A group of 4-5 people can do the project together. Students may get some help from the teachers, but self-help is a must.
What role does soft skills play during the interview?
That’s not going to get a job, what do I communicate when there is no substance for me.
On Cloud Computing:
Cloud computing happens to be next big opportunity to watch out for in IT Industry? What is it actually mean?
Cloud computing is not a new technology, but is more of a skill in the current and ongoing projects. Take for suppose, you want tally software to be installed in you system, instead of buying the software for a huge sum of money, you can subscribe to the software like a monthly subscription of a magazine. Take another example of a software company working in maintaining a Govt. website, with lots of data to be stored and processed. Instead of using a local server, there is a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data. All these happen through cloud computing.
Instead of buying a machine or software, the virtual machines can be brought on web, and without much programming you can build an application with cloud computing.
A recent study claimed that more than 1 lakh job openings are awaiting in the country in the field of cloud computing? How do you look into it?
As cloud computing is the value addition to the present software, there will be an increased preference of cloud adoption. Cloud computing eliminates capital-intensive investment by companies, which results in a lot of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) emerging and corresponding creation of jobs.
Engineers from which background can opt for a career in cloud computing.
The computer science and electronics students are suitable for cloud computing.
How are the job openings for freshers in the field of cloud computing?
We hardly take 10 freshers for cloud computing, as in product development there is less scope for freshers. We get interns from IIT Hyderabad and IIIT Hyderabad, and recruit M.Tech students of computer science from Osmania University and Hyderabad Central University.
Published date : 10 Oct 2013 04:46PM