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Bits and Model Questions of English Grammar Preparation in Bank Exams

English grammar preparation questions for bank exams.

Model Questions
Directions (Q.No. 1-5): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/ error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the number of that part with error as your answer. If there is 'No error', mark (5) as your answer.
1.    Halt an escalation of current tensions (1)/ and preventing mass atrocities from happening in Sudan again will require (2)/ cutting off the goods and services that combatants need (3)/ to perpetrate further violence. (4)/ No error (5)
2.    Acquiring material wealth or rejecting its attractions (1)/ has often been (2)/ the base upon which writers (3)/ had developed interesting plots. (4)/ No error (5)
3.    Science plays a significant role (1)/ in the origin of superhero stories precisely because (2)/ that stories are really an extension (3)/ of science fiction as a genre. (4)/ No error (5)
4.    The article on the subject of Colombian drug lords (1)/ published in The Economist this morning neither alludes nor specifically describes (2)/ the methods that the police employ (3)/ in the fight against crime. (4)/ No error (5)
5.    During the alumni meet, (1)/ the old students reflected (2)/ on the time (3)/ they have spent in college. (4)/ No error (5)
Directions(Q.No. 6-8):Choose the set of words which are closest in meaning to the word provided. 
6.    Generic
    1) general, basic    2) cheap, vital
    3) fresh, pure    4) elderly, cheaply
    5) standard, novice
7.    Educe
    1) demand, stipulate
    2) elicit, extract    3) ideal, idyllic
    4) unlawful, illicit
    5) prohibit, proscribe
8.    Appall
    1) delirious, rambling
    2) covered, exposed
    3) dismay, consternation
    4) confuse, scandalize
    5) perplex, doubt 
Directions (Q.No.9- 10): Choose the set of words which are opposite in meaning from the five options given in each question.
9.    1) rotund, plump
    2) brazen, defiant
    3) pique, soothe
    4) peaked, ruddy
    5) nadir, apex
10.    1) supercilious, meek
    2) approbate, sanction
    3) demur, hesitate
    4) fatuous, foolish
    5) quiescent, repose
Directions: (Q.No. 11 - 15) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3), and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase underlin­ed in the sentence to make it gra­mmatically correct? If there is no error mark (5) No correction requi­red as your answer.
11.    Foods that are rich in salt, likes potato chip, cheese and sauces contain high level of sodium levels that may lead to heart attacks and stroke.
    1) liked potato chip, cheese and sauces
    2) like potato chips, cheese and sauce
    3) like potato chips, cheese and sauces
    4) like potato chip, cheeses and sauce
    5) No correction required
12.    Poor reading skills among stude­nts of inner-city schools have not resulted from failures in teaching but insufficiently supportive home environments.
    1) resulted not from failures in teaching but from
    2) resulted from failures not in teaching but
    3) resulted from failures not in tea-ching but have stemmed from
    4) resulted not from failures in tea-ching but have stemmed from
    5) No correction required
13.    In a recent survey, Physical Fitn­e­ss Weekly found that people exe­rcising daily consider them­selves no healthier than do people exercising three to five times a week.
    1) not any healthier than do people exercising
    2) not any healthier than do people who exercise
    3) no healthier than are people who are exercising
    4) not as healthy as are people who exercise
    5) No correction required
14.    Many people discover a need for glasses in middle age, a conse­quence from sitting too close to the television screen for long periods of time. 
    1) of sitting too close
    2) which resulted from sitting too close 
    3) damaged from sitting too near 
    4) damaged because they sat too close to 
    5) No correction required
15.    At one stage it appeared as if Indians will lost the match against Hongkong.
    1) will be losing the match
    2) will lost a match
    3) would lose the match
    4) would be losing the match
    5) No correction required
Directions (Q.No. 16-20): Rearra­nge the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
A)    Shortages of canned food in the British Army in 1917 led to the government issuing cigarettes and amphetamines to soldiers to suppress their appetites. 
B)    But by 1916, widespread bore­dom with cheap canned food am­ongst soldiers resulted in milita­ries purchasing better-quality food to improve morale and the complete meals in a can began to appear. 
C)    Demand for canned food skyroc­keted during World War I, as mil­i­tary commanders sought vast quantities of cheap, high-calorie food to feed their millions of sol­diers, which could be transported safely, survive trench conditions, and not spoil in transport. 
D)    After the war, companies that had supplied military canned food improved the quality of their goods for civilian sale. 
E)    Throughout the war, soldiers ge­nerally subsisted on low-quality canned foodstuffs, such as the British "Bully Beef" (cheap corn­ed beef), pork and beans, canned sausages, and Maconochies Irish Stew. 
F)    In 1917, the French Army began issuing canned French cuisine, such as coq au vin, Beef Bour­guignon and Vichyssoise while the Italian Army experimented with canned ravioli, spaghetti bolognese, Minestrone and Pasta e fagioli. 
16.    What is the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) C    4) D    5) F
17.    What is the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) D    4) F    5) E
18.    What is the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) D    4) E    5) F
19.    What is the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
    1) B    2) A    3) C    4) D    5) E
20.    What is the LAST sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) C
    4) D    5) F
Directions (Q.No. 21-25): Each qu­e­­stion below has a blank/ two blan­ks, each blank indicating that some­thing has been omitted. Choose the word/ set of words from the five options for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
21.    Residents can donate clothes, household items and other goods to the ____ store. The store then sells them and donates the amount to ____.
    1) Thrift, charities
    2) waft, aid    3) fluster, gifts
    4) heterogeneous, relievers
    5) assorted, donations
22.    Everything about S. Russell Groves is just so, from his style of dress to his choice of words; nothing is ____.
    1) Lumber        2) superfluous
    3) garner        4) renovate
    5) encumber
23.    The MLA was charged with criminal attempt to ____ a minor and criminal attempt to ____ the morals of a minor on Thursday.
    1) Entice, impair
    2) ambidextrous, blight
    3) ostentation, prejudice
    4) qualm, weaken
    5) worse, impeach
24.    In order to consistently prevail you must be agreeable, amena­ble, and ____. These characteris­tics make it possible to gain trust, show compromise, and___deals.
    1) Contrite, reform
    2) malleable, restructure
    3) frenetic, simplify
    4) impugned, adjust
    5) remorseful, sort 
25.    There is a buzz about the sudden death of one of the artists, which cast a ____ on the opening ceremonies, ____, briefly.
    1) Attraction, though
    2) wither, although
    3) pall, albeit
    4) gloom, notwithstanding
    5) shadow, almost
Directions (Q.No. 26-35): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropr-iately. Find out the appropriate word/ phr­ase in each case and mark your answer.
Cloud seeding is a type of weather modification that ____ (26) to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds by dispersing substances ____(27) the air that serve as cloud condensat­ion or ice nuclei, which alter the microphysical processes within the cloud. The usual intent is to increase precipitation (rain or snow), but hail and fog suppression ____ (28) also widely practiced in airports, where harsh weather conditions are experi­enced. Cloud seeding over Koscius­zko National Park-a biosphere reserve-is problematic in that several rapid changes of environmental legislation ____ (29) made to enable the trial. Environmentalists are con­cerned ____ (30) the uptake of elemental silver in a highly sensitive environment affecting the pygmy possum ____ (31) other species as well as recent high level algal blooms in ____ (32) pristine glacial lakes. Research 50 years ____ (33) and analysis by the former Snowy Mountains Authority led to the cess-ation of the cloud seeding program in the 1950s with non-definitive results. Formerly, cloud seeding was rejected in Australia on environmental grounds ____ (34) of concerns about the protected species, the pygmy possum. Since silver iodide and not elemental silver is the cloud seeding material, the claims of negative environmental impact are disputed ____ (35) peer-reviewed research as summarized by the international Weather Modification Association.
26.    1) aim    2) aimed
    3) aims    4) was aimed
    5) is aimed
27.    1) into    2) in    3) on
    4) along    5) among
28.    1) has    2) was    3) are
    4) is    5) had
29.    1) was    2) were    3) being
    4) been    5) has been
30.    1) during    2) from    3) for
    4) about    5) into
31.    1) through    2) between
    3) along    4) of course
    5) among
32.    1) ones    2) once    3) prior
    4) farmer    5) early
33.    1) ahead    2) after    3) former
    4) ago    5) pristine
34.    1) because 2) as    3) when
    4) while    5) though
35.    1) with    2) from    3) froth
    4) for    5) by

    1) 1    2) 4    3) 3    4) 2    5) 4
    6) 1    7) 2    8) 3    9) 3    10) 1
    11) 3    12) 2    13) 5    14) 1    15) 3
    16) 5    17) 2    18) 4    19) 3    20) 4
    21) 1    22) 2    23) 1    24) 2    25) 3
    26) 3    27) 1    28) 3     29) 2    30) 4
    31) 5    32) 2    33) 4    34) 1    35) 5

Published date : 04 Sep 2024 12:08PM

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