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General English Bit Banks for Bank Exams Preparations

General English Bit Banks for Bank Exams Preparations

Model Questions

Directions (Q. No. 1-5): Read ea­ch sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/ error in it. The error, if any, will be in one pa­rt of the sentence, mark the nu­mber of that part with error as your an­swer. Mark (5) as your answer, if there is 'No error'.
1.    As more and much people invest their money in savings certifi­ca­tes or money-market funds (1)/ in order to earn higher interest, (2)/ they are abandoning traditional low-interest investment havens
    (3)/ such as passbook accounts and life insurance policies. (4)/ No error. (5)
2.    Rising rental rates force the mi­d­d­le class to use (1)/ far more than the standard 25 percent of their incomes (2)/ for housing, leaving them with know equity (3)/ or tax write-offs to offset the expen­di­tu­res. (4)/ No error. (5)
3.    Astronomers studying(1)/ the ne­­w­ly discovered star (2)/ said th­at it provides clues about (3)/ our galaxy's origin. (4)/ No error. (5)
4.    According to some economists, (1)/ the June decrease in unem­plo­y­ment suggest (2)/ that the gradual improvement (3)/ in the job market is continuing. (4)/ No error (5)
5.    The qualities of a great leader are (1)/ coolness in the face of dan­ger, (2)/ an excellent sense of str­ategy, (3)/ and a ability to plan in minute detail. (4)/ No error. (5)
Directions: (Q. No. 6-10): Whi­ch of the phrases (1), (2), (3), and (4) gi­ven below each sentence sh­ould re­place the phrase given bold in the se­n­tence to make it gram­ma­tically cor­r­e­ct? Ma­rk (5) "No correction re­q­u­i­r­ed" as your answer, If there is no error.
6.    Aging is a property of all ani­m­a­ls that reach a fixed size at matu­rity.
    1) was a property
    2) had been a property
    3) was being a property
    4) is being a property
    5) No correction required
7.    All-terrain vehicles have allowed vacationers to reach many prev­io­usly inaccessible areas, but they have been blamed for caus­ing hundreds of deaths.
    1) have also been blamed
    2) have been also blamed
    3) have been blamed also
    4) have been blaming
    5) No correction required
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8.    Although fruit can no longer gr­ow once it is picked, it continues for some time to respire, taking in oxygen and giving often car­bon dioxide.
    1) taking in oxygen and giving of 
    2) taking in oxygen and giving always 
    3) taking in oxygen and giving off 
    4) taking out oxygen and giving off 
    5) No correction required
9.    Amateur astronomers with good telescopes should been able to see the comet within the next few weeks.
    1) should be able
    2) would be abled
    3) should being able
    4) should belonging
    5) No correction required
10.    As the price of oil rises, the pric­es of bread and livestock feed sure to increases.
    1) are sure to increased
    2) are sure to increasing
    3) are sure to be increase
    4) are sure to increase
    5) No correction required
Directions (Q. No. 11-15): Each question below has a blank/ two bl­a­nks, each blank indicating that som­e­thing has been omitted. Choose the word/ set of words from the five opti­ons for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 
11.    The coordination of monetary policy can help ____ the orderly financing of _____imbalances.
    1) facilitate; existing
    2) felicitate; exciting
    3) fend; many
    4) fetch; permanent
    5) promote; promotional
12.    __ the objects found in the exc­a­­vated temple ___ small ter­ra­-co­tta effigies left by supp­li­cants.
    1) Below; wear
    2) Amongst; where
    3) Between; below
    4) Among; were
    5) Above; was 
13.    An array of tax incentives ___ to a boom in the construction of new buildings.
    1) have lead    2) has led
    3) have been lead
    4) has been leading   
    5) had leads
14.    The yellow jacket can sting ____ without dying and ___ potent ve­nom that can cause intense pain.
    1) repeatedly; carries
    2) repetition; carried
    3) repeat; carry
    4) repeats; carrier
    5) repeating; career
15.    As envisioned by researchers, co­mmercial farming ____ lobst­ers will enable fisheries to sell the shellfish year ____.
    1) from; threw    2) of; round
    3) off; through    4) with; around
    5) among; always
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Directions (Q. No. 16-20): Rear­ra­nge the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in a proper sequence to form a me­an­i­ngful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
A. The purpose was twofold: po­l­iti­cal control and religious comm­u­nication. Experts beli­e­ve that the­re were three ty­p­es of human sac­ri­fice pract­i­ced by the Shang. 
B. Finally, in internment sacrifi­ces, yo­ung girls were sacrifi­ced. Unli­ke the first two, they were buried in the standard burial position and their bod­ies were kept intact. 
C. In pit sacrifices, young men were sacrificed. Their bodies were dis­me­mbered and they were buried without their perso­n­al possessi­o­ns. In foun­da­tion sacrifices, child­ren and babies were used. 
D. The practice of human sacri­fice was very common in an­ci­ent Chi­na, particularly duri­ng the Shang Dynasty-the fir­st Chinese dynasty with writ­t­en records. 
E. Archaeological evidences sh­ow th­­at these human sacrifi­ces expe­ri­e­nced violent dea­ths, and they too were buried without possess­ions. 
F. In fact, archaeological evide­n­ce su­g­gests that human sacri­fice was practiced on a grand scale during the Shang dyna­sty. 
16.    What is the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
    1) C    2) B    3) D    4) E    5) F
17.    What is the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) D    4) F    5) C
18.    What is the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) C    3) D    4) E    5) F
19.    What is the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
    1) B    2) C    3) D    4) E    5) F
20.    What is the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) D    4) E    5) F
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Directions (Q. No. 21-30): In the following passage there are bla­n­ks, each of which has been num­be­red. These numbers are printed bel­ow the passage and against each, five words/ phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appro­pri­ately. Fi­nd out the appropriate word/ phr­a­se in each case and mark your answer.
Dwarf planet Ceres continues to ___ (21) scientists as NASA's Dawn spacecraft gets closer to being cap­tu­red into orbit around the object. The ___ (22) images from Dawn, taken nearly 29,000 miles (46,000 kilom­e­t­e­rs) from Ceres, reveal that a bright spot that stands out in previous ima­ges ____ (23) close to yet another bright area. As scientists receive be­t­t­er and _____ (24) views of the dw­a­rf planet over the next 16 months, they hope to gain a deeper underst­a­n­ding of its origin and evolution _____ (25) studying its surface. The intriguing bright spots and other _____ (26) features of this capti­va­t­ing world will come into ____ (27) fo­cus. Dawn visited the giant ast­e­r­oid Vesta _____ (28) 2011 to 2012, delivering more than 30,000 images of the body along with many other measurements, and providing insig­hts about its composition and geolo­gi­cal history. Vesta has an ave­r­age diameter of 326 miles (525 kil­o­me­ters), while Ceres has an average dia­meter of 590 miles (950 kilom­e­ters). Vesta and Ceres are the ___ (29) mo­st massive bodies in the as­t­e­r­oid belt, located _____ (30) Mars and Jupiter.
21.    1) puzzle    2) question    3) answer    4) doubt    5) propose
22.    1) later    2)  latest    3) recently    4) frequently     5) presently
23.    1) lay    2) lain    3) lies    4) lays    5) laid
24. 1) batter    2) good    3) best    4) better    5) bought
25.    1) for    2) from    3) with    4) among    5)  by
26. 1) interesting     2) annoying
    3) disturbing     4) distributing    5) presently
27.    1) sharer    2) sharper     3) shaver    4) sharp    5) severe
28.    1) with    2) by    3) from    4) for    5) above
29.    1) to    2) too    3) toe    4) two    5) type
30.    1) beyon           2) besides
    3) in front of   4) in addition to     5) between
Directions (Q. No. 31-35): Cho­o­­se the word which is wrongly spelt from the five options given.
31.    1) misanthrope    2) misogynism
    3) misappropriation
    4) mismatch    5) mistake
32.    1) commission  2) apportion    3) succesion    4) concession    5) profession
33.    1) adjudicte    2) judicious    3) combat  4) demur   5) elope
34.    1) flamboyant    2) genuine    3) hinderance    4) innocuous    5) germane

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1) 1;    2) 3;    3) 3;    4) 2;    5) 4;
6) 5;    7) 1;    8) 3;    9) 1;    10) 4;
11) 1;    12) 4;    13) 2;    14) 1;    15) 2;
16) 3;    17) 1;    18) 2;    19) 4;    20) 5;
21) 1;    22) 2;    23) 3;    24) 4;    25) 5;
26) 1;    27) 2;    28) 3;    29) 4;    30) 5;
31) 2;    32) 3;    33) 1;    34) 3;

Published date : 19 Oct 2024 10:24AM

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