troublesome - trouble shooter - trouble maker

troublesome - causing a lot of problems for someone, giving anxiety, vexation, difficult, burdensome. Eg. He is a troublesome leader; hence, people fear him.

 trouble shooter
- 1: a skilled worker employed to locate trouble and make repairs in machinery and technical equipment.

 trouble shooter -2: an expert in resolving diplomatic or political disputes. Eg. Shiv Kumar of Karnataka is known as a trouble shooter for Karnataka Congress Party.

 trouble maker -
Someone who causes unpleasantness, quarrels, or fights, especially by encouraging people to oppose authority.

 less sugar > < sugar less
 This is simple and silly, yet some people get confused. 'Sugarless' is NOT the same as 'less sugar'. Once, I asked in a canteen of NIMS asked to give me a coffee with "less sugar''. He gave me one without any sugar. When asked him why he had done so, he replied, "You only wanted sugarless coffee!'' Well, it was not expected of him to know the difference. Sugarless = without any sugar. Less sugar = small quantity.
