Leaders Of China, Japan, & South Korea To Meet For Ninth Trilateral Summit In Seoul

  • Leaders of China, Japan, and South Korea will meet for their ninth trilateral summit in Seoul. This is the first summit being held in four years between the Nations.
  • The meeting comes a day after the leaders met separately for bilateral talks with each other.
  • The leaders are expected to release a joint statement on six areas including the economy and trade, science and technology, people-to-people exchanges and health and the aging population. Meanwhile, Japan said North Korea has given notice that it plans to launch a rocket to deploy a satellite.
  • The last trilateral leaders meeting was held in December 2019. Since then, it was put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors.
  • The three Asian nations together represent about 25 per cent of global gross domestic product, and they are closely linked to one another economically and culturally. But their relations have suffered on-again, off-again setbacks owing to issues stemming from Japan’s wartime aggression.

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