Felix Tshisekedi Named President of The Democratic Republic of Congo.

  • The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is once again in the spotlight as President Felix Tshisekedi secures victory in the highly contested December 20 election. However, the results have sparked condemnation from various opposition candidates who label the election a “sham” and demand a rerun.
  • President Tshisekedi emerged victorious with approximately 73% of the vote, leaving his closest rival, Moise Katumbi, with 18%. The election faced significant issues, including delayed openings of two-thirds of polling stations and malfunctions in 30% of voting machines on the first day. Millions of voters endured long waits, with some ultimately abandoning the process. Opposition leaders argue that these challenges were part of a systematic plan to rig the results in favor of President Tshisekedi.

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