Brazil Calls for WTO Action on Technology Transfer and Agricultural Subsidies at MC13

  • In a call to action at the World Trade Organisation's 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) in Abu Dhabi, Brazil emphasized the critical need for the WTO to facilitate the transfer of essential technologies to developing countries, particularly for pandemic preparedness, climate mitigation, and energy transition.
  • Echoing sentiments shared by India and other developing nations, Foreign Minister of Brazil Mauro Vieira underscored the significance of meeting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and addressing pressing global challenges such as reducing inequalities, poverty, and hunger. He emphasized that technology transfer plays a pivotal role in achieving these objectives, highlighting the necessity for developing countries to access technology that they currently lack.
  • Citing Brazil's commitment to promoting sustainable development and reducing disparities, Minister Vieira emphasized that Brazil shares common concerns with fellow developing nations across various regions, emphasizing a collective call for technology transfer to bridge existing gaps.
  • Regarding the agenda for MC13, Brazil emphasized the criticality of progress in agriculture negotiations. Minister Vieira called for instructions to cap and reduce trade-distorting agricultural subsidies, which adversely impact the food security of all WTO members. Additionally, Brazil reiterated its strong commitment to negotiations on fisheries subsidies, underscoring the importance of addressing this issue to promote sustainable fishing practices globally. India also shares similar concerns as that of Brazil. The collaborative efforts between Brazil, India, and other nations within forums like BRICS and COP28 have underscored the shared commitment to addressing global challenges and advancing equitable trade practices.
  • Brazil is formally elected as the host country for COP30.
  • At the 13th Ministerial Conference at Abudhabi , India underscored the importance of considering diverse fishing practices and the livelihoods of local fishermen within Exclusive Economic Zones  during the regulatory discussions. Advocating for sustainable fishing methods, India opposed unrestricted access by distant-water fishing fleets.
  • India also urged for a 25-year moratorium on subsidies for distant-water fishing activities, citing their adverse effects on sustainable fishing practices. Emphasizing the principles of Common But Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities and Special and Differential Treatment India aimed to ensure a fair agreement that balances the needs of both developed and developing nations.
  • India's proposal also raised concerns about the current approach to addressing overfishing and overcapacity, stressing the need to consider factors such as the size of the exclusive economic zone and the presence of small-scale fishers. By prioritizing sustainability and the welfare of fishing communities, India seeks to shape international agreements that promote responsible marine resource management.

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