Bank Exams Model and Preparatory Questions for General English

Model Questions
Directions (Q. 1 - 5): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/ error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the number of that part with error as your answer. If there is 'No error', mark (5) as your answer.
1.    Though many companies (1)/ be­lieve that it is quality not price that sells their products, (2)/ they also know the facts (3)/ that adv­ertising sells. (4)/ No error (5)
2.    Eat has the selectional restriction (1)/ that it must be following by a kind of food, (2)/ so 'I eat sky' (3) / is not possible. (4)/ No error (5)
3.    There was (1)/ no way he could (2)/ keep going (3)/ below all that pressure. (4)/ No error (5)
4.    It was not until morning (1)/ that the sheer scale (2)/ of the damage (3)/ could be seen. (4)/ No error (5)
5.    Trade sanctions (1)/ were impo­s­ed (2)/ against any country (3)/ that refuses to sign the agree­me­nt. (4)/ No error (5)
Directions (Q. 6-10): Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3), and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase underlined in the sentence to make it grammatically correct? If there is no error mark (5) No correct­ion required as your answer.
6.    You'll have to study any books on Freud before writing a paper on psychoanalysis.
    1) Much books    2) few books    3) some books    4) more books
    5) No correction required
7.    A European visitor to the Far Ea­st must accommodate self from the habits of life that may seem very strange to him. 
    1) Himself to    2) his self to
    3) himself for    4) his self from    5) No correction required
8.    He joined postgraduate course in the same college in which he had studied for the three previous years.
    1) from previous three years
    2) during the previous three years
    3) three years previous 
    4) during the three previous years
    5) No correction required
9.    She always manage to hurt her mother's feelings.
    1) do manage
    2) does manage
    3) did manages
    4) do managed
    5) No correction required
10.    It is the people who matters in a democracy.
    1) whom matters
    2) whose matters
    3) whose matter
    4) who matter
    5) No correction required
Directions (Q. 11-15): Each que­s­tion below has a blank/ two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word/ set of words from the five options for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
11.    We were surprised to know that our friend was of royal ______.
    1) dissent    2) decent
    3) descent    4) dissuade
    5) dispute
12.    ______ of the highly educated people is a huge ______ on the country's resources.
    1) Fight, draw
    2) Position, aspect
    3) Plight, drain
    4) Struggle, issue
    5) Rank, exhaust
13.    No ______ reasons have been given for the sudden flight of refugees ______ this area.
    1) proper, for
    2) correct, along
    3) suitable, among
    4) valid, from
    5) compelling, counter
14.    The modern ______ of comm­u­n­i­cation have ______ distance.
    1) ways, deep
    2) methods, destroyed
    3) paths, shortened
    4) means, annihilated
    5) gadgets, developed
15.    These remarks about the domin­ance of casteism in elections are quite ____ to the present ____.
    1) apposite, position
    2) opposite, fact
    3) relevance, media
    4) significance, party
    5) applaudable, generation
Directions (Q. 16 - 20): Rearr­an­ge the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in a proper sequence to form a meaningful par­ag­raph and then answer the questions given below.
A)    These days technology has revo­lu­tionized the very concept of a wrist watch. 3
B)    Almost a majority of the people wear a watch worn round the wr­i­st, it measures time in minutes, hours etc. 1
C)    The day is not far when we shall have a little TV fitted into a wrist watch. 4
D)    A wrist watch may be wound or automatic. 2
E)    Wrist watches have become an integral part of human beings, due to their utilities. 6
F)    One may have a choice of leather or metal of gold or silver while choosing a strap for the wrist watch. 5
16.    What is the LAST sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) C    4) E    5) F
17.    What is the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) D    4) F    5) E
18.    What is the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
    1)A    2) C    3) D    4) E    5) F
19.    What is the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
    1) B    2) A    3) C    4) D    5) E
20.    What is the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) C    4) D    5) F
Directions (Q. 21-30): In the fol­l­owing passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the pass­age and against each, five words/ ph­r­ases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/ phrase in each ca­se and mark your answer.
The international fight against Isl­amic State moved up a _____ (21) on Saturday as Turkish police arrested a Belgian suspect heading for Syria in connection with ____ (22) week's Paris attacks, hours after the UN Security Council unanim­o­u­sly ______ (23) all its members to combat the extremist group.
A day after the EU imposed ____ (24) new external border controls, au­t­horities in Belgium raised the alert level in the capital to level four - signifying a "serious and imminent threat" as the _______ (25) for the remaining jihadi who killed 130 pe­ople in Paris entered its second week. The presumed ringleader of the Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a 28-year-old Belgian national of Moro­ccan origin, was ______ (26) to have been in Syria but died in a ferocious seven-hour gunfight ______ (27) po­lice at a rundown apartment in St-Denis, north of Paris, on Wednesday. Another ______ (28) member of the unit, Salah Abdelslam, a 26-year-old Frenchman living in Brussels, is the subject of an international manhunt. His brother, Brahim, who blew him­self up in the attacks, spent time in a Belgian prison with Abaaoud, while a third Molenbeek resident, Bilal Ha­dfi, was also among the Paris suicide bombers. Belgian Special Forces ______ (29) four people in the capi­tal's Place du Grand Sablonon Satur­day afternoon, while the Brussels Me­tro system is expected to be shut down until Sunday afternoon at the earliest. Shops ______ (30) closed, some shopping malls were shuttered, professional football was cancelled, concerts were called off and music ve­nues, museums, and galleries shut their doors for the weekend.
21.    1) gear    2) ahead    3) above    4) always    5) alone
22.    1) lost    2) last    3) late    4) lastly    5) lasted
23.    1) urge    2) urging    3) urged    4) pledged    5) plead
24.    1) tight    2) treat    3) tread    4) tough    5) track
25.    1) hate    2) hurt    3) heat    4) hurt    5) hunt
26.    1) thought    2) thinking
    3) think    4) thinned
    5) thanked
27.    1) from    2) with    3) for
    4) form    5) firm
28.    1) suspense    2) suspect
    3) suspected    4) suspecting    5) suspects
29.    1) convicted    2) allowed
    3) acquitted    4) arrested
    5) prosecuted
30.    1) are to    2) will be
    3) will been    4) have been
    5) were

1) 3;    2) 2;    3) 4;    4) 5;
5) 4;    6) 3;    7) 1;    8) 2;
9) 2;    10) 4;    11) 3;    12) 3;
13) 4;    14) 4;    15) 1;    16) 4;
17) 1;    18) 5;    19) 1;    20) 3;
21) 1;    22) 2;    23) 3;    24) 4;
25) 5;    26) 1;    27) 2;    28) 3;
29) 4;    30) 5.
