Pronunciation of Global Brands... Cars
Sakshi Education
A number of foreign cars are being used in cities. But their names are pronounced wrongly. Here is a selected list of such cars.
Brand Name | Pronunciation |
Audi | ow-dee (Lyîl) |
Chevrolet | shev-ro-ley (షెవరోలే) |
Hyundai | hyon-de(y) (హైన్దే) |
Lexus | lek-suhs (లెక్సూస్) |
Mercedes | mur-say-dees (మురిసెడీస్) |
BMW (Bayerish Motoron Werke) | bee-em-vee (బీ ఎం వీ) |
Volks Wagon [People's Vehicle] | folks-va-gun (ఫోక్స్ వేగన్) |
Lamborghini | lam-ber-gini (లాంబెర్గిని) |
Peugeot | poo-zho or pyoo-zho] (ప్యూజో) |
Plymouth | pli-muth [ప్లిమత్ ] |
Porsche | por-sha [పోర్షా] |
Renault | re-no ('l' and 't' are silent) (రీనో) |
Skoda (Czech) | sh-ko-da [ష్కోడా] |
Published date : 26 Feb 2020 12:21PM