Preparatory Questions/Bit Banks for TET/DSC Eligibility Exam
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Evaluation & Assessment
1. The Assessment and Evaluation relation was:
1) They are same, can be used any where
2) They are closely related although there are fine distinctions
3) Assessment can be done only after completion of teaching learning process
4) Evaluation doesn't need Assessment as it is ongoing process
2. To tell the relation between Test and Assessment which two of the following statements are correct?
A) Assessment is a part of Testing
B) Assessment is more the Testing
C) All Tests are Assessments, but all Assessments are not Tests
D) Assessment is basically a Tool
1) AB 2) BC 3) CD 4) AD
3. In the purpose of Tests which one of the following is not related:
1) Test to find whether objectives we set for particular topic have been achieved or not
2) To determine what students have learnt or not learnt in class
3) Tests are used to predict out comes
4) Tests are used to design the objectives of the particular Topic
4. The statement related to standardized Test is:
1) It is made by the teacher who is teaching to these children
2) It is connected to students, feelings, interests, and skills
3) It has wide coverage and measures and content common to large number of students
4) Gives clear picture of strengths and weakness of student and finding out different learning difficulties
5. "It is record of performance of the information which is required to make Judgment."
This definition is regarding:
1) Evaluation 2) Assessment
3) Measurement 4) Test
6. Which one of the following is not related to Evaluation?
1) It looks at original objectives and at what are either predicted or what was accomplished and how was accomplished
2) Evaluation is structured interpretation and giving of meaning to predict proposals or results
3) Critical assessment in as objective a manner as possible
4) It is ongoing process to know the progress of students when the process is going on
7. In the differences between Assessment and Evaluation which two are correct?
A) Evaluation focuses on grades and may reflect classroom components
B) Assessment focuses on learning, teaching and out comes
C) Commonly Assessment is summative product oriented
D) Evaluation is formative only and is process oriented
1) AB 2) BC 3) CD 4) AC
8. The concept of "continuous evaluation" is:
1) Covers all effectiveness of teaching learning process
2) It emphasized on scholastic and Non Scholastic achievement
3) Means regularity of assessment, frequency diagnosis of leering gaps
4) Summative evaluation is example for continuous evolution
9. A - is the teacher who is testing the scholastic and co-scholastic aspects of the students
B- is the teacher who concentrated on Assessing throughout the Teaching learning process
1) A-is continuous evaluation, B-is comprehensive evaluation
2) A-is comprehensive evaluation, B-is comprehensive evaluation
3) A-is comprehensive evaluation, B-is continuous evaluation
4) A-is continuous evaluation, B-is continuous evaluation
10. Which among the following is not objective of continuous and comprehensive evaluation?
1) To develop cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective skills
2) To make evaluation and integral part of teaching learning process
3) To use evaluation form improvement of Teachers achievement in teaching learning strategies
4) To determine social utility, desirability or effectiveness of a programme and take appropriate decisions about learners
11. Who stated correctly on the features of CCE among the following?
1) Reena: Continue aspect of CCE, care of continual and periodicity aspect of evaluation
2) Ritesh: Periodicity means assessment of performance on only at the end of syllabus
3) Roopa: Scholastic aspects include subject specific area in which the students should be checked and do not gives importance to attitude and values
4) Robert: The comprehensive component of CCE giving questioning into the Test related to cognitive development of student
12. Regarding scholastic and co scholastic assessment which one of the following is correct?
1) Learners Attitudes, Values, Skills come under Scholastic
2) Learners knowledge, Understanding, Application and analysis is co scholastic
3) The leadership qualities, reactions of student to the punishment can come under co-scholastic
4) Cognitive development related to co-scholastic
13. Which among the among the following is not a feature of formative assessment?
1) It is diagnostic and remedial
2) It produces enormous stress and anxiety among the Learners
3) Recognizes the need for students to be able to understand how to improve
4) Helps the students to support their peer group and vice versa
14. Giving Weightage to the Academic standards which one of the following is to be given more importance?
1) Questioning and making assumptions
2) Experiments and field trips
3) Understanding the contest
4) Information skills
15. Which of the following statements is not related to Assessment?
1) Arnold: Focus is on learning process and experience
2) Arpitha: Continuous and Comprehensive approach
3) Areef: Focus is on strength, ability and need of learner
4) Asha: Focus is on Learning product and out come
16. In the use of Learning indicator or Academic standards this is not considered:
1) Knowing various Parameters of Learning Evidences
2) Monitoring the Teachers abilities in achieving objectives
3) Providing Feedback for teaching learning process
4) Enhancing learner's understanding of science as well as teachers understanding about learner understanding
17. Which of the following not used a tool in assessment?
1) Teacher who assessed through observations
2) Teacher used inventories is assessment
3) Teacher arranged group discussion in assessment
4) Teacher checked portfolios of students
18. Which of the following is not technique in assessment?
1) Assignment 2) Project
3) Club activities
4) Anecdotal record
19. Which two of the following pairs are correct?
A) Tool - Rating scale
B) Technique - Checklist
C) Technique - Observation
D) Tool - Tests and inventories
1) AB 2) BC 3) AD 4) CD
20. According to the Definitions for Tools and Technique which two are correct?
A) Tool is the way of doing some thing in a systematic way
B) Technique is a device to perform a task
C) Tool is primary instrument of collecting data and information
D) Technique is the way of doing something in a systematic way
1) AB 2) CD 3) BC 4) BD
21. Who among the following Teachers used a tool and technique consequently?
A) Harhsa: Laboratary work and peer assessment
B) Hansika: Self assessment, practical examination
C) Hardik: Project work, Field Diary
D) Haseena: Questions, Self assessment
1) A, D 2) A, C
3) B, C 4) A, B
22. "How would you explain the process of circulation of Blood?" A biology Teacher gave this question in the Test. This question is following type:
1) Remembering 2) Applying
3) Understanding 4) Analyzing
23. Who among the following Teachers questions belong to creating type of Questions?
A) Teacher started a question - 'how many'
B) Teacher started a question - 'Can you design'
C) Teacher started a question - Can you see a possible solution to…
D) Teacher started a question - Which events could not have happened…
1) A, D 2) B, C
3) C, D 4) A, B
24. Grade is designed from the Latin word "Gradus" which mean:
1) Jump 2) Talent
3) Place 4) Step
25. Who among the following gave absolute grading?
1) Teacher gave first marks and then converted them in to grade
2) A teacher directly expressed the student performance in terms of letter grades
3) A teacher gave the grade based on Predetermined standards categorizing like distinction, first division etc…
4) A teacher gave the grades first converted them in to marks
26. "Portfolio" description is:
1) Collection of social background of student
2) Collection of Hereditary learning disabilities of student
3) Collection of evidences of student work over a period of time
4) Collection of misbehavior and indiscipline activity particulars of student
27. Which of the following is not an advantage of Portfolios?
1) Provide a cumulative record of growth and development of Skill or Competency
2) Enables a student to demonstrate to others his learning and process
3) Student becomes an active participant in the learning and assessment process
4) Teacher can select the approach based on these portfolios and implement in classroom
28. In the term of evaluation of Portfolios which of the following is incorrect?
1) There is chance of Self evaluation to students
2) There is possibility of conducting portfolio conferences
3) The result of evaluation should be kept away from parents
4) The students are given chance to participate in peer groups evaluation by these portfolios
29. Assessment is both a reflected process it mean:
1) Both performance of student and other student
2) Both the classroom activity and play activity
3) Both the students and Teachers performance
4) Both Theoretical and practical performance
30. Which among the following involved in indirect measurement?
1) Student measured the width of a classroom
2) Teacher measured the knowledge of student
3) Teacher compared the knowledge of one student with other
4) Teacher measured the physical growth of student
1) 2 2) 2 3) 4 4) 3 5) 3
6) 4 7) 1 8) 3 9) 3 10) 3
11) 1 12) 3 13) 2 14) 3 15) 4
16) 2 17) 3 18) 4 19) 3 20) 2
21) 1 22) 3 23) 2 24) 4 25) 3
26) 3 27) 4 28) 3 29) 3 30) 2
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