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Cooperatives and Producer Companies

The Cooperatives and Producer Companies is a free online course offered by Indian Institute of Management Bangalore conducted by the Edx. This course is about cooperatives also known as Farmer Producer Organizations. It discusses what a cooperative is, how it helps small producers, and most important, how to set up sustainable, profitable and vibrant FPOs. It is based on empirical evidence from the field. It also discusses the basic principles of the International Cooperative Alliance.
About this course
  • This course is about cooperative business, cooperative movement, cooperative organization, cooperative model, types of cooperatives, and cooperative development.
  • In the beginning, the concept of a cooperative is explained and how it is different from an investor owned company.
  • We also explain why this form of organization is required for producers in the dairy, agriculture, weaver artisan and other sectors of the economy.
  • We then discuss the basic principles of a cooperative and why they evolved.
  • These principles were enunciated by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) of all countries.
What you'll learn
  • What is a cooperative?
  • How can cooperatives be set up successfully?
  • Understanding why Indian cooperatives have not done well in general.
  • How can the cooperative situation in India be changed?
  • Tips on financing the genuine FPOs
Duration: 03 weeks

Timings: 2 – 3 hours per week

Self Paced

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