The end of the Spanish civil war brought General Francisco Franco in power. Examine critically the reasons which led to break out of the civil war in Spain in 1936. (250 words)
Sakshi Education
By Srirangam Sriram, Sriram's IAS, New Delhi.
Right-wing opposition
The left wing took some measures such as:
Each of these measures infuriated one or other of the right-wing groups - Church, army, landowners and industrialists. In 1932 some army officers tried to overthrow the government but the rising was easily suppressed.
Left-wing opposition
The actions of the new right-wing government
The new government turned out to be ineffective
The Spanish Civil War was caused by many factors, including major socio-economic problems, such as poverty and inequality. However, the one of the main causes was all sides’ failure to compromise and to respect the rights and opinions of others. This failure meant that the Second Republic could never provide a government that could bring stability and prosperity to the country. Political violence became endemic in the country as a consequence, and it escalated until it became a full-scale civil war.

On July 18, 1936, the Spanish Civil War began as a revolt by right-wing Spanish military officers in Spanish Morocco and spread to mainland Spain. From the Canary Islands, General Francisco Franco called for all army officers to join the uprising and overthrow Spain’s leftist Republican government.
Reasons for the breakout of the civil war in Spain
By 1930, Spain was bitterly divided into social and ideological lines. Many of the regions in Spain, such as the Catalans, demanded more autonomy or even outright independence from Madrid, such as the Basques. The tensions between the regions and the central government meant that the country was inherently unstable, as a compromise was impossible, between the parties.
After the abdication of power by monarch Alfonso, a republic was proclaimed in Spain. The monarchy had been overthrown without bloodshed in 1931.
Problems in the new republic
Reasons for the breakout of the civil war in Spain
By 1930, Spain was bitterly divided into social and ideological lines. Many of the regions in Spain, such as the Catalans, demanded more autonomy or even outright independence from Madrid, such as the Basques. The tensions between the regions and the central government meant that the country was inherently unstable, as a compromise was impossible, between the parties.
After the abdication of power by monarch Alfonso, a republic was proclaimed in Spain. The monarchy had been overthrown without bloodshed in 1931.
Problems in the new republic
- Catalonia and the Basque provinces wanted independence.
- The Roman Catholic Church was bitterly hostile to the republic, which in return disliked the Church and was determined to reduce its power.
- There were additional problems caused by the depression: agricultural prices were falling, wine and olive exports declined, land went out of cultivation and peasant unemployment rose. In industry, iron production fell by a third and steel production by almost half. It was a time of falling wages, unemployment and declining standards of living.
Right-wing opposition
The left wing took some measures such as:
- Catalonia was allowed some self-government.
- Church and State were separated, priests would no longer be paid by the government and religious education in schools ceased.
- A start was made on the nationalization of large estates.
- Attempts were made to raise the wages of industrial workers.
Each of these measures infuriated one or other of the right-wing groups - Church, army, landowners and industrialists. In 1932 some army officers tried to overthrow the government but the rising was easily suppressed.
Left-wing opposition
- The republic was further weakened by opposition from two powerful left-wing groups, the anarchists and the syndicalists (a group of powerful trade unions), who favoured a general strike and the overthrow of the capitalist system. They organized strikes, riots and assassinations.
- This led to the collapse of the government. In the following elections (November 1933) the right-wing parties won a majority.
The actions of the new right-wing government
- The actions of the new right-wing government were designed to reverse the progressive elements of Azafia's policies, and understandably aroused the left to fury. As the government moved further right, the left-wing groups drew closer together to form a Popular Front. Revolutionary violence grew and there were rebellions in Catalonia and Asturias.
- As the financial, as well as the political situation deteriorated, the right fell apart, and in the elections of February 1936, the Popular Front emerged victorious.
The new government turned out to be ineffective
- The new government seemed incapable of keeping order, and crisis point came in July 1936 when a series of political assassinations took place. A group of army leaders, conspiring with the right, began a revolt in Morocco, where General Franco soon assumed the leadership and the civil war began.

The Spanish Civil War was caused by many factors, including major socio-economic problems, such as poverty and inequality. However, the one of the main causes was all sides’ failure to compromise and to respect the rights and opinions of others. This failure meant that the Second Republic could never provide a government that could bring stability and prosperity to the country. Political violence became endemic in the country as a consequence, and it escalated until it became a full-scale civil war.
Published date : 31 Oct 2020 03:27PM