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What is intergenerational ethics? Comment on its importance.

By Srirangam Sriram, Sriram's IAS, New Delhi.
The present generation owes the next generation a better and more stable and prosperous planet and society. The ethics associated with such intergenerational obligations is called Intergenerational ethics are also called obligations to future generations. The present-day humanity has a moral obligation to future generations to aim for environmental sustainability. The long-term nature of many environmental problems has forced moral philosophy to pay closer attention to relations between generations, especially given that the effects of some actions, such as greenhouse gas emissions, will materialize only after decades or centuries. Intergenerational ethics differs from ethics among contemporaries because of the asymmetrical influence the present generation has over future generations.

Career Guidance Intergenerational ethics is not confined to only the environment. It involves society and governance too. If society institutionalised equity and inclusion, the future generations will enjoy greater freedom and autonomy. Similarly, if there is good governance, the future will be rid of misery. For example, if the government of today borrows excessively, the future generations will have to live with more taxation and less consumption.
Published date : 06 Jan 2021 02:48PM

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