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What are Attitude and Aptitude? Throw light on the differences between the two.

By Srirangam Sriram, Sriram's IAS, New Delhi.
Attitude is defined as a set of beliefs, emotions and behaviour directed towards a person, object or idea. Attitude is an acquired tendency of humans to evaluate certain things in terms of a predefined mindset. Attitude is the essence of a person’s personality. It is associated with his belief system. Attitude results from factors like age, experience, social structures like gender and culture.

Aptitude is a part of a competence for a certain field of activity. It is personal interest and innate ability. It is specific to personality. Outstanding aptitude can be considered talent. An aptitude may be physical or mental. Skill is developed aptitude with training and experience. The innate nature of aptitude is in contrast to skills and achievement, which represent knowledge or ability that is gained through learning.

Aptitude and intelligence quotient are different but related views of human ability. Unlike the original idea of IQ, aptitude such as aptitude for military flight, air traffic control, teaching, research, public service or computer programming uses IQ to excel.
  • Between the two, aptitude is more innate.
  • Both are open for learning and development.
  • Aptitude is more intelligence-based and attitude is emotional. Attitude can motivate while aptitude can excel.
Aptitude, on the other hand, is a measure of a person’s ability to acquire a new skill. it is the reflection of a person’s intellectual ability to learn and develop. Attitude, on the other hand, is a result of one’s opinions and beliefs concerning his own self and others and other phenomena.

The right combination of good aptitude and positive attitude is a desired trait in all fields.
When the attitude and aptitude converge, motivation is high and success too. However, if aptitude is present and attitude is not conducive, results disappoint. For example, person who is suitable for teaching is in a marketing body that he hates. Or a civil servant who has extraordinary skills of execution and is biased against certain social groups.

Career Guidance If either aptitude or attitude is right, and the other is lacking, aptitude/attitude, it can be developed through training, but there may be limitations.
Published date : 05 Jan 2021 05:43PM

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