Civils Mains 2007 -Public Administration Question Paper
Sakshi Education
PUBLIC Administration
(MAIN) 2007
(MAIN) 2007
PAPER - I - 2007
- Answer any three of the following questions is not more than 200 words each:
- "Public and Private Administrations are two species of the same genus, but they also have special values and techniques of their own." Comment.
- "Taylor's scientific management ignored social and psychological factors." Comment.
- "The distinction between line and staff is relative rather than absolute." Discuss.
- "Delegated legislation is a necessary evil." Examine.
- Analyse mcgregors theory X and theory Y. Do you agree with the view that with every passing year, mcgregors message has become more relevant and more important? substantiate your answer.
- what is meant by marale? There is a belief that moral and productivity.Do you agree? substantiate
- Right to information promotes transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority. Explain.
- Attempt any three of the following questions in not more than 200 words each:
- "People's participation is crucial to development administration." Comment.
- "Training is essential not only for efficiency and effectiveness but also for broadening the vision of the employees." Substantiate.
- "Not to be comparative is to be naively parochial" (Riggs). Comment.
- "Implementing a public policy is a process of discovering what works and what does not." Examine.
- Bring out the various techniques of O & M adopted in India to improve efficiency in administration.
- "The widening gap in the emoluments of government employees versus the public sector corporations and private sector employees has a strong bearing on the motivation and ability to work." Comment.
- What is performance budgeting? Bring out its merits, limitations and difficulties.
- Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
- "Kautilya was not only the foremost politico-administrative thinker of ancient India but he was an advocate and preacher of moral values too." Comment.
- "Because of several judicial pronouncements, Governors in States are no longer viewed as agents of the 'Party in Power' at the Central level." Evaluate.
- "The President of India acts like grand parent in a family. If younger generation does not follow his/her advice, he/she is just unable to do anything." Comment.
- "Memorandum of understanding scheme' between govemment and public enterprise has forced public undertakings to improve the overall performance." Comment.
- There is a separate Central Ministry or Department on each subject allocated to State List. Does it mean supremacy of the Union Government or an emphasis on development administration? Analyse.
- "73rd Constitutional Amendment has provided permanent structural framework to PRI's resulting into silent social revolution." Comment.
- ''The dispute between Secretariat and Directorate is the result of Generalist us Specialist controversy." Analyse.
SECTION-B - Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
- "The blame for our poor public sector performance can be laid on the way our bureaucracy is structured." Comment.
- ''Parliamentary Departmental Committees have played their role effectively in analyzing the demands for grants." Evaluate.
- ''In spite of having Constitutional status the District Planning Committee is not able to implement decentralised planning due to centralized nature of economic planning." Comment.
- "A well-designed module-based training for Civil Servants is the best way to achieve the goals of good governance." Analyse.
- ''If information is power, nothing can perhaps empower a citizen more than the secret and developmental information held by various public authorities." Analyse the merits and demerits of RTI Act, 2005 in the light of this statement.
- National Commission to review the working of the Constitution has suggested revolutionary changes in administrative culture. Analyse its major recommendations on Civil Services and Administration.
- Critically analyse the functions and role of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment with regard to development of disabled persons in India in not more than 200 words.
- Define Civil Society. Is it an effective organ to control administrative machinery? Comment.
- "Social (Welfare) Administration in India is witnessing specialization and faster expansion of its administrative agencies." Evaluate.
Published date : 19 Nov 2009 03:30PM