TSPSC Notification 2022 for Food Safety Officer

Food Safety Officer: 24 Posts
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 Food Safety Officer - Qualifications:
i) A degree in Food Technology or Dairy Technology or Biotechnology or Oil Technology or Agricultural Science or Veterinary Sciences or Biochemistry or Microbiology or Master’s Degree in Chemistry or Degree in Medicine OR ii) Any other equivalent / recognized qualification notified by the Central Government.
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 Food Safety Officer - Age Limit (As on 01/07/2022): 44 years
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 Food Safety Officer - Scale of Pay: Rs.42,300 - 1,15,270/-
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 Food Safety Officer - Application Processing Fee: Each applicant must pay Rs. 200/- towards Online Application Processing Fee.
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 Food Safety Officer - Examination Fee: The applicants have to pay Rs. 80/- towards Examination Fee. However,
a) All un-employees are exempted from payment of examination fee, and
b) All Employees of any Government (Central/ State/ PSUs/ Corporations/ Other Government Sector) have to pay the prescribed examination fee.
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 Food Safety Officer - How to Apply?
The Applicant has to read the User Guide (www.tspsc.gov.in) for Online Submission of Applications and then proceed further.
Step I: Before applying, the Applicant has to visit the website (www.tspsc.gov.in) and fill the OTR application if not registered earlier to obtain TSPSC ID. The candidates are advised to upload all the required certificates (However, original certificates have to be produced for verification at the time of scrutiny before finalizing the selection list). While filling the OTR, the applicant has to ensure that there are no mistakes in it. The Commission will not be held responsible for the mistakes, if any, made by the applicants. If already registered in the OTR the applicant can directly access the application form. The applicant is instructed to fill his/her application form himself/herself with utmost care instead of delegating to others.
Step II:-
a) In order to fill the application form, the Applicant has to visit the website (www.tspsc.gov.in) and Click on the online Application Link provided on the Website, then enter TSPSC ID and Date of Birth and login with OTP received to proceed further.
b) Applicant has to verify the details fetched from OTR database pertaining to Name, Date of Birth, requisite Educational Qualifications, Community, Gender, Disability, Ex-Servicemen & Sports etc., displayed on the screen.
c) If the displayed details are correct he/she has to click on Yes button to confirm.
d) If any details are not tallied and need to be changed, he/she should click on NO button. Then the OTR will be opened automatically for making corrections. After making corrections and clicking on the Submit button in the OTR, the corrected details will be automatically populated in the online application. Then the applicant has to click YES button to confirm.
e) In addition to the details obtained from OTR database, specific details of Notification such as Examination Centre opted, required qualification and declarations etc., should be filled by the applicant.
f) Preview and Edit facility is available to make changes and then click on SAVE & CONFIRM button for proceeding to next step of making online payment of fee through payment gateway.
Step III:-The applicant should pay the prescribed fee as specified through any of the four modes of payment online i.e., Net Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card and T-Wallet, duly following the instructions appearing on the screen.
Step IV:-After payment of fee, the PDF application will be generated which contains the particulars furnished by the applicant. The applicant must download a copy of his/her submitted form (PDF). The Reference ID Number in the PDF application form has to be quoted for future reference/correspondence.
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 Food Safety Officer - Important Dates:
- Submission of ONLINE applications starts from Dt. 29/07/2022.
- Last date and time for submission of ONLINE applications is upto 5.00 PM on 26/08/2022
Also Check: SSC Jr. Translator, Jr. Hindi Translator & Sr. Hindi Translator Exam 2022 Notification
Qualification | GRADUATE |
Last Date | August 26,2022 |
Experience | Fresher job |
For more details, | Click here |