AIIMS CRE - Common Recruitment Examination 2023 Notification for 3060 Vacancies

- Assistant Administrative Officer
- Assistant Dietician
- Assistant Engineer (A/C & R)
- Assistant Engineer (Civil)
- Assistant Engineer (Electrical)
- Assistant Laundry Supervisor
- Assistant Store Officer/Assistant Stores Officer
- Audiologist & Speech Therapist/Junior Audiologist/Speech Therapist/Technical Assistant (ENT)/Jr. Audiologist/Speech Therapist
- Audiologist/Speech Pathologist
- Bio Medical Engineer
- Cashier
- Chief Cashier
- Coding Clerk/Medical Record Technicians/ Junior Medical Record Officer/ Junior Medical Record Officer (Receptionists)/ Medical Record Technicians/ Medical Record Technician (Record Clerk)
- CSSD Technicians
- Dark Room Assistant Grade II
- Data Entry Operator Grade - A
- Dental Hygieneist/ Technical Officer/ Technical Officer (Dental)/ Dental Technical/ Dental Technician (Hygienist)/ Dental Technician (Mechanic)/ Technical Officer (Dental)/ Dental Technician
- Dietician
- Dissection Hall Attendant
- Driver
- Electrician
AIIMS CRE 2023 Notification - Application Fees:
Category |
Amount |
General/OBC Candidates |
Rs.3000/- |
SC/ ST Candidates/EWS |
Rs.2400/- |
Persons with Disabilities |
Exempted |
AIIMS CRE 2023 Notification3 - How to Apply?
Candidates can apply online only
AIIMS CRE 2023 Notification - Important Dates:
Events |
Dates |
Last date for submission on online application |
December 01, 2023 |
Download Admit Card |
December 12, 2023 Tentatively |
Date of Examination |
18/20 December, 2023 Tentatively |
AIIMS CRE 2023 - Scheme of Examination:
Computer Based Test (CBT): Examination will be conducted in two parts: 1. General 2. Domain Specific as per following detail:
1. General
Subject |
No of questions |
Max Marks |
Duration |
General Intelligence and Reasoning |
10 |
10 |
45 Minutes |
General Awareness & Knowledge of Computers |
10 |
10 |
Quantitative Aptitude |
10 |
10 |
English/Hindi Language and Comprehension |
10 |
10 |
2. Domain Specific: Duration: 45 Minutes, Total MCQs: 40
The syllabus will be in accordance with education qualification and experience (essential/desirable) as mentioned in the Advertisement as applicable.
Qualifying & Other Criteria
- Each Question will carry equal marks 1 each.
- There will be no negative marking for any wrong answer.
- The qualifying marks will be 40% for UR/EWS, 35% for OBC and 30% for SC & ST.
- For PWBD irrespective of the category qualifying marks will be 30%.
Resolution of Tie Cases
In cases where more than one candidate secures equal MARKS, tie will be resolved;
- First by marks in domain specific part with candidate with higher marks will be placed higher in merit;
- If not resolved by (i), by using date of birth with older candidates placed higher;
- if not resolved by (i) and (ii) above, by using First Name of candidate with First Alphabet will be placed higher.
Skill Test: As applicable (if any) to respective posts for candidates qualified in CBT
Conclusion: Sakshi Education wishes you the best of luck. Keep up with our Sakshi Education website for the Latest Job Updates, Results, Education News, Online Test and many more. Thank You. If you like it, please share it with your friends.
Qualification | Others |
Last Date | February 01,2023 |
Experience | Fresher job |
- AIIMS Recruitment 2023
- AIIMS CRE 2023 Notification
- AIIMS CRE 2023 Exam Pattern
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