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Good News: ఐటీ ఉద్యోగులకు శుభ‌వార్త‌..

With the arrival of Covid‌ many companies have laid off employees due to the uncertainty prevailing in IT companies. In addition, many business activities have dropped significantly. The economies of many countries are now recovering from Covid. In addition, many multinational companies are hiring heavily. A recent survey by Deloitte found good news for IT employees.

From next year...
Deloitte said in a survey that the salaries of employees already working in several IT companies will increase by about 8.6 percent by 2022 next year. The Deloitte survey predicts that by 2022, many companies will have double-digit growth. It says in its survey that the top performers in the company earn 1.8 times more than the average employee. About 12 percent of employees in IT companies received promotions this year. About 78 per cent of IT companies across the country are hiring.

May not be in these fields ..
Deloitte believes there may not be a pay rise in the retail, hospitality, restaurants, infrastructure and realty sectors. The Deloitte survey found that despite the nationwide vaccination drive to combat Covid, there may not be a pay rise in tourism as people are eager to move to new areas.

Published date : 22 Sep 2021 12:38PM

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