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Honesty and Integrity are the Soul of the Personality Test

The result of Civil Services (Main) Examination 2014 has been declared by the UPSC - 3312 candidates have been selected for the crucial and the final phase of Personality Test.
The interviews are scheduled to be held from 27th April for filling up 1291 vacancies that include Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Police Service and other Central Services (Group 'A' and Group 'B').

In this context, Dr. Mohan Kanda, IAS (Retd.), Former Chief Secretary to the Govt of undivided Andhra Pradesh shared with Sakshi, the various percepts of the Personality Test that is highly useful to the Civil service aspirants and also to the Group 1 and 2 aspirants who more or less have the same interview procedure.

In his words...
The test of your knowledge and information is over in the form of prelims and mains of the Civil Service exam. You are now being assessed on how you respond which is much more important than what you say.

The Board is interested in knowing whether you are sound and balanced? Will you be firm when tested? Here honesty is soul of the whole process. They will test your Integrity that is more important than intelligence.

Act natural
  • Act natural- that is the best part of you.
  • Artificial accents, opinions and expressions are fragile and do not last long.
  • Be confident and unmindful of impact of your performance.

Don't shoot back an answer unthinkingly
  • Be patient and hear out the question
  • Give yourself a few moments to understand the question and formulate an answer
  • Don't lapse into long periods of thinking

Never guess or ask for permission to guess
  • Quickly admit ignorance or inability to recollect
  • Do not anticipate questions or interrupt
  • Don't argue with the board
  • In case of disagreement with the Board just remain silent with a smile- unless you are asked a specific question about the position you have taken.

Questions you come across:
  • Majority of the questions will be from the application form as filled up by you.
  • Specifically about your native village/town, mandal, district and state.
  • About your subject of study.
  • The hobbies as stated by you.
  • Current Affairs- Politics, Economic Development, Sports, Entertainment, and General issues concerning mankind such as climate change, sustainable use of resources (land, water and the atmosphere) and food/financial security etc.

  • Be relaxed but not casual
  • Sit erect but not stiffly
  • Don't slouch
  • Be serious not flippant

A Suit for men and a sober Saree/Shalwar-Kurta for ladies is generally best for the interview. Don't attract needless attention in the dress you wear.

- Best of luck -
Published date : 24 Apr 2015 12:56PM

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