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NASA: Confirmation of 5000 Exoplanets

NASA Exo Planets
NASA Exo Planets
  • 65 new planets have been discovered by NASA outside the Earth’s solar system. This new discovery takes the total number of exoplanets that have been discovered to over 5000. Some of these discovered planets are Earth-like.
  • These newly discovered 65 planets have marked a milestone in space exploration.
  • These 65 newly discovered planets will be studied to look for the presence of microbes, water, gases on the planet’s surface, or even life.
  • According to astronomers the Milky Way Galaxy is home to hundreds of billions of such planets and there are so many galaxies present in space.
  • The James Webb Space Telescope clicked an image that showed thousands of galaxies and there are chances that each of them has unexplored Earth-like worlds.
  • Planets are discovered in a long laborious manner that requires observations done for many years along with looking into data from space-based as well as ground-based telescopes.
Published date : 24 Mar 2022 07:29PM

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