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ISRO targets launch of un-crewed flights under Gaganyaan mission before Independence Day

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is targeting the launch of first of the two planned un-crewed flights under the Gaganyaan mission before Independence Day this year.
ISRO targets launch of un-crewed flights under Gaganyaan mission before Independence Day
ISRO targets launch of un-crewed flights under Gaganyaan mission before Independence Day

ISRO chairperson Dr. K Sivan said the third lunar mission Chandrayaan-3 will be launched by middle of the next year. In a letter encouraging the scientists at the organization, Dr. Sivan said, launch of EOS-4 and EOS-6 onboard PSLV and launch of EOS-02 onboard maiden flight of SSLV are immediate tasks at hand this year.
There is a directive to launch the first unmanned mission before the 75th anniversary of Country's independence i.e., August 15th this year.
Chandrayaan-3 design changes incorporating and testing has seen huge progress and the mission could be launched by the middle of next year.
The launch of the three earth observation satellites - EOS-02, EOS-04, and EOS-06 have been delayed for several months now. All big-ticket scientific missions, including India’s first solar mission Aditya-L1, which were to take place in 2021 were pushed when the launch schedule was revised after the second wave of the pandemic.

Published date : 05 Jan 2022 05:39PM

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