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NITI Aayog suggests building 500 ‘healthy cities’

NITI Aayog released its “Building Urban Planning Capacity in India” on September 16, 2021. As per report, India needs a Central sector scheme to build 500 ‘healthy cities’ over the next five years as well as a thorough revamp of town-planning acts in states in order to meet future challenges of urbanization.
NITI Aayog suggests building 500 ‘healthy cities’
NITI Aayog suggests building 500 ‘healthy cities’

As per the NITI Aayog, the Central sector scheme for building 500 healthy cities will have to be initiated by Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs in association with the states & Union Territories. The ‘Building Urban Planning Capacity in India’ report comprises of a set of recommendations on several aspects of urban planning like:

  • Interventions for planning healthy cities
  • Optimum utilization of urban land
  • Ramping up human-resource capacities
  • Strengthening urban governance
  • Building local leadership
  • Enhancing the role of private sector and
  • Advancing the urban planning education system.
Published date : 18 Sep 2021 05:37PM

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