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Need to reform United Nations Organisation

Need to reform United Nations Organisation
  • External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Sunday emphasised on the need to reform the United Nations Organisation. Addressing the Rotary Institute event in Bengaluru, he said that the United Nations Security Council is like an old club where the set members do not want to admit new members and are not even keen to be questioned. He pointed out that with no reforms, the UN's effectiveness is diminishing.
  • He stressed that a large number of countries are urging for reforms in the UN Security Council to deal with the prevailing challenges. He further added that India are continuously raising the issue of reforms on the global stage. Speaking on Indo-China relations, the minister said that the bilateral ties between the two countries have become difficult and this is because China has not observed the agreements on the border. He however added that India wants better relations with China. On India’s aspiration to be a developed country by 2047, Dr Jaishankar said that the country is on the path of reforms and the aspirations are achievable.

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Published date : 19 Dec 2023 03:15PM

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