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UAE Withdraws from United States Led Maritime Coalition

UAE Withdraws from United States Led Maritime Coalition
UAE Withdraws from United States Led Maritime Coalition
  • The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has announced its withdrawal from a maritime coalition led by the United States. The decision comes after a thorough assessment of its security requirements, according to the UAE's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The ministry stated that the UAE had pulled out of the Combined Maritime Forces two months ago as part of its ongoing evaluation of effective security cooperation with all partners.
  • The UAE emphasized its commitment to dialogue, diplomatic engagement, and the promotion of regional security and stability. It also expressed its dedication to ensuring the safety of navigation near its shores in accordance with international law. This move represents a significant turning point in the geopolitical landscape of the region and has the potential to reshape international cooperation in maritime security.
  • The maritime coalition, headquartered at a US naval base in Bahrain, was established with the aim of countering terrorism and piracy in the Red Sea and Gulf areas. This region is home to crucial shipping routes, and there have been several incidents of attacks on vessels since 2019, often occurring during periods of tension between the US and Iran.Given its strategic location along important maritime trade routes, the UAE has been an active participant in the US-led coalition.

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Published date : 01 Jun 2023 05:30PM

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