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Russia’s Controversial Oil and Gas Discovery in British Antarctic Territory

Russia’s Controversial Oil and Gas Discovery in British Antarctic Territory
  • Russia has claimed to have discovered massive oil and gas reserves in the British Antarctic Territory, a region currently protected under the 1959 Antarctic Treaty. According to evidence submitted to the Commons Environment Audit Committee, the reserves uncovered by Russian research ships contain around 511 billion barrels worth of oil, a staggering amount equivalent to approximately 10 times the North Sea’s output over the last 50 years.
  • The Antarctic Treaty, signed by numerous nations, including Russia, prohibits all oil developments in the region, designating it as a zone to be used “exclusively for peaceful purposes” and preventing it from becoming “the scene or object of international discord.” Russia’s discovery and potential intentions to exploit these reserves could potentially violate the terms of this treaty.
  • The British Antarctic Territory, one of Britain’s 14 overseas territories, has faced competing claims from Argentina and Chile in the past. Russia’s alleged discovery of vast energy reserves in this region could potentially reignite territorial disputes and heighten international tensions surrounding the Antarctic continent.

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Published date : 15 May 2024 05:39PM

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