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Lithuania recently allowed Taiwan to open an embassy equivalent office

Lithuania recently allowed Taiwan to open an embassy equivalent office in its soil. This angered China. According to China, Taiwan is not a separate country and is an integral part. US and B9 countries are supporting Lithuania actions.
Lithuania recently allowed Taiwan to open an embassy equivalent office
Lithuania recently allowed Taiwan to open an embassy equivalent office

Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. The B9 was formed condemning the annexation. The B9 members were either a part of Soviet Union before its disintegration or a sphere of influence. The B9 has proposed to extend the organisation eastward. It wants to include Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. Ukraine is of great importance to US, EU and B9 because it is the buffer between the western world and Russia.

The Bucharest Nine Group comprises of Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Estonia. The organisation was formed in 2015. It was formed under the initiative of Romania and Poland. It is also called Bucharest Format or B9. The group was formed at the Romania capital Rome and hence the name.

Published date : 05 Jan 2022 05:41PM

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