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India first time refers to ‘militarisation’ of Taiwan Strait by China

India first time refers to ‘militarisation’ of Taiwan Strait by China
India first time refers to ‘militarisation’ of Taiwan Strait by China
  • India has for the first time referred to what it called “the militarization of the Taiwan Strait”, marking a rare instance of New Delhi appearing to comment on China’s actions towards Taiwan. The Indian High Commission in Sri Lanka released a statement in which India accused China of “militarizing the Taiwan Strait.”
  • India made the statement after a Chinese military research vessel docked at Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port for a week.
  • Recently, China completed its large-scale military drills around Taiwan in response to the visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan.
  • India has followed a “One China policy” since 1949 and maintained trade and cultural relations with Taiwan. India stopped mentioning this policy in its official statements after 2008.

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Published date : 30 Aug 2022 04:16PM

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