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28th October, 2023 Current Affairs

28th October, 2023 Current Affairs
28th October, 2023 Current Affairs

India abstains in UN General Assembly from voting on draft resolution submitted by Jordan

  • India on Friday abstained in the UN General Assembly from voting on a draft resolution submitted by Jordan, that called for an immediate humanitarian truce between the Israel and Hamas terrorists in Gaza, as it did not make any mention of the terrorist group Hamas.
  • Deputy Permanent Representative and Ambassador Yojna Patel, said at the UN General Assembly, that the terror attacks in Israel on 7th October were shocking and deserve condemnation. Calling for the immediate and unconditional release of the hostages, she said, "Terrorism is a malignancy and knows no borders, nationality, or race. She emphasised that the world should not buy into any justification of terror acts. Let us keep aside differences, unite and adopt a zero-tolerance approach to terrorism," she added.
  • The Jordan-proposed resolution titled "Protection of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations" has made no specific mention of the Hamas terror attacks of the 7th of October. Before the General Assembly voted on the resolution, the 193-member body considered an amendment to the text, proposed by Canada and co-sponsored by the United States. The amendment asked for ing a paragraph in the resolution that would state that the General Assembly "unequivocally rejects and condemns the terrorist attacks by Hamas that took place in Israel starting on the 7th of October 2023 and the taking of hostages, demands the safety, well-being and humane treatment of the hostages in compliance with international law, and calls for their immediate and unconditional release".

Jio Space Fiber: India’s First Satellite-Based Gigabit Broadband Service

  • Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd, India’s leading telecommunications provider has introduced ‘JioSpaceFiber’ satellite broadband service. This groundbreaking initiative was officially unveiled at the India Mobile Congress and represents the nation’s first satellite-driven giga fiber service. The primary goal of this satellite broadband service is to extend high-speed internet access to previously underserved and remote regions in India.
  • Through its comprehensive 5G infrastructure, including services like JioFiber and JioAirFiber, Jio is poised to provide 5G access to over 200 million unconnected homes and premises. This ambitious endeavor aims to establish India as the broadband capital of the world, with the nation already ranking among the top three 5G-enabled nations, boasting over 125 million 5G users.

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Robert Fico to become Slovakia’s new prime minister

  • Slovakia’s newly appointed Prime Minister, Robert Fico, has taken office for the fourth time amidst promises to prioritize Slovakian interests, reduce military aid to Ukraine, and curb immigration. His nationalist stance raises concerns among EU leaders regarding potential obstructionist policies.
  • Fico’s Smer party won last month’s elections, forming a coalition government with Hlas and the ultra-nationalist Slovak National Party (SNS).
  • This alliance caused their suspension from the socialist group in the European Parliament.

Republican Mike Johnson Elected New US House Speaker

  • Mike Johnson, a relatively lesser-known Republican from Louisiana, has taken the elected as the new speaker of the US House of Representatives. He has earned the nickname “MAGA Mike” among his hard-right colleagues, a reference to Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again”, which continues to be associated with Trumpian ideals. Addressing the House after his election, Johnson promised to quickly move forward on conservative priorities, such as support for Israel and border security.
  • The House of Representatives often experiences political partisanship, with the majority party having a significant influence on the legislative agenda.
  • Bills are typically passed by a simple majority vote.
  • The U.S. House of Representatives is a fundamental institution of American democracy, with its members serving as the voice of the people in the federal legislative process. It has a critical role in shaping the laws and policies that govern the United States and provides a system of checks and balances within the federal government alongside the Senate and the Executive branch.

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Sets New Directive for Private Banks: Two Whole-Time Directors Mandatory

  • In response to the evolving challenges and increasing intricacies within the banking sector, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a crucial circular. This directive places the onus on private banks and wholly-owned subsidiaries of foreign banks to establish a robust senior management team. The primary objective is to effectively steer these institutions through the present and emerging obstacles.
  • To address these concerns, the RBI has mandated that private banks and wholly-owned subsidiaries of foreign banks must have a minimum of two Whole-Time Directors (WTDs) on their boards. This requirement includes the presence of the MD & CEO as one of the two WTDs.
  • The RBI recognizes that the specific number of WTDs should be contingent on various factors, including the scale of operations, the complexity of the business, and other relevant considerations. This affords banks the flexibility to tailor their senior management structure to their unique circumstances.

China Is Building World’s Largest Ghost Particle Detector,’Trident’

  • China is embarking on a groundbreaking endeavor by constructing an immense telescope in the western Pacific Ocean. The primary mission of this massive facility is to detect elusive particles known as “ghost particles” or neutrinos. This ambitious undertaking will result in the world’s largest neutrino-detecting telescope.
  • At present, the most extensive neutrino-detecting telescope is the “IceCube” at the University of Madison-Wisconsin, nestled deep in the Antarctic. It consists of sensors dispersed throughout a cubic kilometer of ice. However, China is taking this pursuit to an entirely new level with its forthcoming telescope, aptly named “Trident.”
  • Set to be finished by 2030, TRIDENT, affectionately known as ‘Ocean Bell‘ or ‘Hai ling‘ in Chinese, will be situated at a depth of 11,500 feet (3,500 meters) beneath the Western Pacific Ocean’s surface.

Amol Muzumdar Takes Over as Head Coach of India Women

  • In a significant development in Indian women’s cricket, Amol Muzumdar, the former Mumbai batsman, has been named as the head coach of the India women’s national team.
  • The decision came after a three-member cricket advisory committee of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) conducted interviews with shortlisted candidates for the position. Their unanimous recommendation for Muzumdar to take on the role has been welcomed by cricket enthusiasts and the sporting community alike.

ISB Prof Sarang Deo appointed by WHO on its TB Advisory Group

  • Professor Sarang Deo, a distinguished figure in the field of Operations Management and healthcare, has been appointed as a member of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group (STAG) for Tuberculosis by the World Health Organization (WHO). This appointment reflects his exceptional expertise and contributions to the battle against tuberculosis, particularly in India.
  • The Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Tuberculosis (STAG-TB) operates with the mission of contributing to the global effort to end the tuberculosis epidemic and eventually eliminate the disease. STAG-TB provides WHO with invaluable scientific and technical guidance. Its responsibilities include offering independent evaluations of WHO’s strategic, scientific, and technical aspects related to tuberculosis work, reviewing the progress and challenges associated with TB-related core functions, and advising on priority activities for prevention and care.
Published date : 28 Oct 2023 04:45PM

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